Wednesday, December 28, 2011


OTTAWA, Canada - According to reports, Canada is secretly transporting large amounts of highly enriched weapons-grade uranium to the United States.
A confidential federal document made public on Tuesday says at least one payload of used, US-origin highly enriched uranium fuel has already been transferred stateside under a new accord between Canada and the US.
The Canadian stockpile, which is quietly shipped from Chalk River in the province of Ontario, contains hundreds of kilograms of bomb-grade uranium, enough to make several Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs.
  • This is while the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the country's atomic watchdog, seeks to keep the issue secret by refusing to set up public hearings about it or disclose which communities lie along the transit route.
The transportation of atomic material originates from the highly publicized deal signed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and US President Barack Obama in 2010. The deal was signed amid fears that terrorists may get access to weapons-grade uranium.
The development has aroused a great controversy inside Canada, hampering the shipment of 16 generators from the North American country through the St. Lawrence River onto the European countries.
Source: Press TV

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