Thursday, November 10, 2011


NEW YORK, U.S.A. - While Washington and Israel are in the process of concocting a new string of lies pertaining to Iran’s nuclear program with a view to justifying the implementation of punitive bombings, back home in USA, Occupy Wall Street(OWS) protesters have organized a massive anti-corporatism rally in New York City to express their resentment over growing inequality across the United States Press TV reports.
The demonstrators marched from Northern Manhattan to the Zuccotti Park on Monday, protesting current economic condition in their communities. The organizers of the 18-kilometer (11-mile) march said that they wanted to spread the message of the Occupy Wall Street movement all over New York City.

  • The demonstrators were also joined by two local legislators, New York State Senator Adriano Espaillat and New York City Councilor Ydanis Rodriguez.
  • “Thousands have organized this (rally) because our communities have not been in a permanent recession for over decades. We have double digits on borrowing rates and there is also no comprehensive health care legislation. We have had very great needs for many years,” Espaillat told Press TV.
  • He added that the message of anti-corporatism protests in the US will be passed on to next generations.
  • Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street protesters are expected to march from Zuccotti Park to Federal Plaza on Broadway at Worth Street on Tuesday.
  • Additionally, some marches have even planned to begin a 360-kilometer (225-mile) walk from Zuccotti Park to Washington DC on Wednesday.
  • Anti-corporatism protesters have denounced the excessive influence of wealthy corporations on US politics and the government's misguided financial approaches.
American police forces have also engaged in a brutal crackdown on anti-corporatism protesters that have been staging rallies and occupying different US cities since September. For instance, on October 25, 24-year-old Scott Olsen, former US Marine that served two tours of duty in Iraq, was struck in the head by a tear gas canister fired by Oakland police. Olsen suffered a fractured skull.
Source: Press TV, Agency

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