Tuesday, November 15, 2011


HONOLULU, Hawaii - Prime Minister Stephen Harper had a blunt message for U.S. President Barack Obama Sunday. Canada will look for new markets in Asia for its oil and gas, now that the Keystone pipeline has been delayed for more than a year.
The two leaders sat down for almost 30 minutes at the APEC summit in Hawaii during which Harper made Canada's disappointment clear.
All of Canada's oil and gas exports currently go south of the border, and Keystone would transport crude from the oil sands to Texas. Now, however, Harper says the U.S. decision has left him no choice.
  • "I did indicate to him, as I did to the president of China yesterday, as our government has indicated, this highlights why Canada must increase its efforts to make sure it can supply its energy outside of the United States and into Asia in particular," Harper said.
  • To that end, the prime minister will visit China sometime next year. As well, Canada has decided to signal formally that it is interested in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, group of Asian countries that aims to boost trade and lower tariffs in the Asia-Pacific region. (The United States has also discussed joining the TPP.)
  • Previously, there has been resistance to Canada participation, because of Canada's staunch protection of the dairy, poultry and egg sectors. Now, however, Harper says he feels Canada can do both.
  • According to the White House account of the meeting, Obama said he supported the decision to delay TransCanada's Keystone XL project "to ensure that all questions are properly addressed and all the potential impacts are properly understood."
  • During a bilateral meeting on Saturday, Chinese President Hu Jintao noted with approval Harper's attempts to reach out and invited him to visit next year.
  • "You have repeatedly stated that you attach importance to our relationship and that you hope to forge an even closer relationship with China," Jintao said. "I appreciate that position."
Harper also signalled that a border security deal with the U.S. is nearing conclusion. He announced that he'll visit Obama in December and that the deal will be part of their discussions
The "Beyond the Border" deal that was announced with much fanfare nine months ago as a way to continue to secure the borders but not choke off vital trade.
"It will be a very comprehensive package when it is announced," Harper said.
Source: CBC

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