Tuesday, November 1, 2011


JAKARTA, Indonesia - The boat, carrying migrants from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, capsized on the way to Kupang in eastern Indonesia, a key transit point for refugees trying to reach Australia, local navy official Dayat Sudrajat told AFP.
At least seven asylum seekers drowned and scores more were missing when a wooden boat sunk off Indonesia’s West Java province on Tuesday, an official said.
  • According to Indonesian report, 40 people were rescued but 7 people; four adults and three children, drowned. The rest are missing.
  • It is believed, they were headed for Australia and likely the number of fatality will rise as some people were still trapped in the boat.
  • The dead and 15 injured have been taken to hospital, according to Samsudin from the local Pangandaran police, while police were questioning some others.
  • Authorities were still investigating the cause of the accident but it was likely due to overloading and leaks.
  • It is reported, strong winds and big waves as high as 2.5 meters could be other factors.
Thousands of asylum seekers head through Southeast Asian countries on their way to Australia every year and many link up with people smugglers in Indonesia for the dangerous voyage.
Canberra has failed in its efforts to set up a regional processing center in neighboring countries in an attempt to reduce the flow of asylum seekers heading to Australia.

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