Tuesday, August 9, 2011


LONDON, U.K.- The ‘super-cop' credited with slashing crime in New York and Los Angeles said on Sunday night that he would like to run Scotland Yard. Bill Bratton's remarks, in which he said he would relish the ‘challenge' of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner role, piled pressure on the Home Secretary to allow him to apply for the vacant post.
  • The 63-year-old American, who made his name with zero-tolerance policing and by tackling gang warfare, spoke out after Theresa May appeared to scupper the chance of a foreigner taking Britain's top job police job.
  • The Commissioner's post became vacant following the resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson(right photo) during the phone hacking scandal.
Prime Minister David Cameron is thought to have approached Bratton about taking charge in London. However, May was uncomfortable with the idea.
A job advert placed by the Home Office and the Metropolitan Police Authority stated that candidates ‘must be British citizens'.
Source: Daily Mail

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