Sunday, July 17, 2011


DAMASCUS, Syria - Amid the violence and uncertainty that has characterized months of unrest in Syria, the Christian community is fearing for its future should the government of Bashar Assad fall from power, according to a report by Al-Jazeera.
The country's Christian community fears for its future. Many are concerned about the power Islamist groups might have if the government is forced from power.
  • Off camera, many fear the growing involvement of Islamists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, in the ongoing protests, noting that often, protests originate in the mosques. As a result, many Christians are voicing strong support for Assad, hoping to counter the potential rise of fundamentalism.
  • One Christian interviewee “scolded” the Al-Jazeera reporter, saying “Don’t interfere in our affairs. We are very happy with Assad and don’t feel he’s just a president. He’s a loving father and has great ethics.”
  • Al Jazeera's Rula Amin reports from a church community in Damascus.
    Source; Agency, VC-Al Jazeera

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