Friday, June 24, 2011


MANILA, Philippines - Philippine Police are alarmed over the rising number of crimes victimising social networking site users, as they warned the number of cases could rise further unless steps are taken. Police Chief Superintendent Samuel Pagdilao of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), said internet crimes had gone beyond the usual money scams and fraud and are now actually putting the lives of citizens at risk particularly those using popular social networking sites.
  • On June 18, Maria Luisa Dominguez-Laquindanum was stabbed to death and robbed by four people. The 44-year-old call centre agent was killed in her Mandaluyong City residence after she agreed to meet with new acquaintances she had just met through the site, ‘Tagged.'
  • Earlier, on June 13, 39-year-old actor and director Ricky Rivero survived an attempt on his life by someone he allowed to sleep in his house. Rivero purportedly met the man, Hans Ivan Ruiz, 22, through Facebook five months ago. The victim was stabbed 10 times by his attacker but was able to get to hospital.
  • Pagdilao said in both cases, a common thread was the carefree use of social networking sites and people connecting with somebody they didn't know.
The police official warned that while the use of social networking sites was not bad, cyberspace was littered with individuals with foul motives who prey on the vulnerable. He said to guard against such individuals and groups, people must use caution on such sites.
It was not difficult to understand why such crimes have increased, as the Philippines ranks fifth among countries which have the most number of Facebook users, he said.
Source: Agency

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