Residents try to stay cool in the Rideau River in Ottawa Tuesday. Temperatures felt close to 40 C with the humidity

Health Canada is looking for a company to create an online course for health professionals to help them identify the signs of illnesses related to extreme heat events. The department's research has concluded that many regions of Canada will be hit with heat waves that are longer, hotter and more frequent in the coming years. The office defines an extreme heat event as three consecutive days of 30-degree-plus temperatures.
Ottawa isn't alone in its concern. Provinces and municipalities are also acting to adapt to the new reality.
- Quebec's climate change action plan was set in motion in 2007. The province created an integrated heat-warning system and it is using satellite technology to monitor its progress. The province plans to update the system this year. Quebec is motivated by statistics that show a significant uptick in deaths related to extreme heat.
"If you are not prepared, if you do nothing, [the increase in deaths] can be in the thousands," said Dr. Pierre Gosselin, head of research at Quebec's Public Health Institute.
- The institute is also sponsoring dozens of greening projects across the province but mostly focused on the island of Montreal. Cities are particularly at risk from extreme heat because of a phenomenon known as the Heat Island Effect. Simply put, cities tend to be several degrees hotter than the surrounding rural areas, because of all the black roofs, concrete and steel that absorb and retain heat.

"The goal with green roofs is to reduce the urban temperature to a much more normal temperature. To avoid smog effects as well as to create a healthier breathing space for people to live in," said Owen Rose, the project manager at the Palais' garden.
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