Wednesday, March 16, 2011


LOS ANGELES, USA - Officials at the University of California, Los Angeles, are evaluating what to do about a white student who posted a video on YouTube mocking her fellow Asian classmates and criticizing them for calling family members in the library following the tsunami.
Alexandra Wallace issued an apology through the campus Daily Bruin newspaper for the video called "Asians in the Library," which first surfaced Friday and drew national attention.
  • In it, the UCLA student criticized the school for accepting "these hordes of Asian people" who she said have no manners and disrupted her studies by talking loudly on the phone in the library.
  • Wallace speculated that some of the Asian students using their phones in the library might be attempting to contact relatives in Japan following the triple disaster of a massive earthquake, tsunami and threatened nuclear meltdown.
  • "I swear they're going through their whole families just checking on everybody from the whole tsunami thing. I mean, I know, okay, that sounds horrible, like, I feel bad for all people affected by the tsunami, but if you're going to go call your address book, you might as well go outside, because if something is wrong, you might really freak out if you're in the library and everybody is quiet", said Wallace.
  • Wallace could not immediately be reached for comment. She apologized in a statement to the campus newspaper, saying she could not explain what possessed her to make the statements.
  • The UCLA chancellor condemned the video Monday. A spokesman for the university said officials are evaluating whether the student violated the student code of conduct and what sanctions, if any, might be appropriate.
  • Other YouTube users took to the site, criticizing Wallace's comments. A user identified as a UCLA student named Kevin, who appeared to be Asian-American, posted his reaction response video.
Kevin said in his video blog, It makes him very angry to hear a fellow American citizen and a fellow college student at this university an educated person, to say such things.

Source: CBS

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