Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The UN says 40,000 people fleeing Libya have have crossed the Tunisian border
BENGHAZI, Libya - As of Monday morning, an estimated 61,000 had fled into Egypt, 1,000 to Niger and 40,000 to Tunisia, according to the UN, which said there was concern about water and sanitation for the refugees. Libya also borders Algeria, Niger, Chad and Sudan.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has also called for immediate and safe access to western Libya. There are reports that between 600 and 2,000 people have already been killed in Tripoli.
  • ICRC teams entered the eastern side of the country including the country's second city Benghazi over the weekend, and are now supporting local doctors with medical care. Two thousand people were wounded there, according to the agency.
  • A similar ICRC team including surgeons and supplies was waiting on the western border in Tunisia.
  • Thousands of foreigners have been evacuated from Libya since the unrest began, with ships and planes sent by countries including China India, the US, Turkey and many other European countries.
  • But many citizens of Iraq, Sudan, Somalia and other poor countries are stranded in the country as they lack the resources to escape, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said.
  • In addition, There are no planes and boats to evacuate people originating from war-torn or very poor countries. The few UN workers who were based in Tripoli left when it became unstable.
Valerie Amos, the UN humanitarian chief said humanitarian work is proceeding smoothly along Libya's eastern border with Egypt, which is now controlled by government opponents, with eight agencies providing medical care, food and other critical aid. Tunisians, to the northwest, have been providing refugees with shelter and food, Amos said.

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