Tuesday, February 1, 2011


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysian groups added to the worldwide calls for Egyptian despot Hosni Mubarak to step down, with more than 100 protesters from NGOs and opposition parties staging a peaceful protest in front of the Egyptian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
They demanded the resignation of the Egyptian president and called for an end to his authoritarian regime. It is unclear what the Malaysian government's official stand is although so far few countries except for Saudi Arabia has expressed support for Mubarak.
  • In the past week, Egyptians and activists from around the world have taken to the streets in various cities to show their support for the protests currently underway in Egypt and to join the call for Mubarak to step down.
  • On Saturday, outside the Egyptian Embassy in London, people rallied, chanted, hoisted banners and demanded change. One sign, written in red ink, said it all: "From The Nile, To the Sea -- Egypt Soon Will Be Free! Freedom for Egypt!"
Meanwhile,the anti-Mubarak protest was a telling sign of how the winds of change were also blowing through Malaysia - a key part of the modern Islamic world.
Kuala Lumpur protesters began by marching a short distance from a car park nearby to the Egyptian commission chanting “Down Mubarak!”. They carried posters depicting the Egyptian leader with a Zionist symbol on his forehead.
  • About 50 police personnel in riot gear showed up to block their approach to the embassy gates. After intense negotiations, a few of the protestors tried to hand over a memorandum to the embassy officials but were rebuffed.
  • The protestors - Malaysians from all walks of life, political parties PAS, PKR and PSM as well as human rights groups GMI and Suaram - continued to chant anti-Mubarak slogans before dispersing.
Source: Malaysian Chronicles

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