Monday, January 10, 2011


RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Police in Brazil say two brothers are accused of killing their father by knocking him out with sleeping pills and then burying him alive.
Antonio Valente Filho is chief of police in Timon, Maranhao state. He tells Globo TV’s G1 website that the brothers, aged 18 and 21, confessed this week to the Dec 29 crime.
  • G1 says they told police their father was a violent man who drank too much and didn’t accept their homosexuality. An autopsy confirmed the victim died underground of asphyxiation. The father was an Afro-Brazilian religious leader.
  • Valente Filho tells G1 the brothers might also have been seeking control of the religious grounds and congregation.
  • A neighbor may also be accused with the brothers in the case. It seems a neighbor helped dig the hole in which the man was buried alive. There may be something else going on here. According to Fox News, investigators say that the killing may have been a religious war of sorts, and the man was killed for that reason. Police are not giving out any more information on this brutal crime.
Source: AP, Globo TV’s G1, Fox News

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