Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Naga Viper rates an astonishing 1,359,000 on the Scoville scale, which measures heat by the presence of the chemical compound capsaicin.
WARWICK, United Kingdom -It is so hot weapons experts plan to use a couple in a spice bomb to incapacitate enemy soldiers on the battlefield. But the world’s hottest chilli does not hail from India, Thailand or Mexico but from a small greenhouse in Cumbria, Warwick, England
Fiery food mavens seeking to one-up each other now have to gear up for a whole new test of culinary bravado: the world's hottest chili pepper-the Naga Viper, the latest claimant to the world's-hottest-pepper crown, outdistances its predecessor, the Bhut Jolokia, or "ghost chili," by more than 300,000 points on the famous Scoville scale of tongue-scorching chili hotness.
  • Researchers at Warwick University testing the Naga Viper found that it measures 1,359,000 on the Scoville scale, which rates heat by tracking the presence of a chemical compound. In comparison, most varieties of jalapeƱo peppers measure in the 2,500 to 5,000 range -- milder than the Naga Viper by a factor of 270.
  • You might think the Naga Viper would hail from some part of the world with a strong demand for spicy food, such as India or Mexico. But the new pepper is actually the handiwork of Gerald Fowler(photo), a British chili farmer and pub owner, who crossed three of the hottest peppers known to man -- including the Bhut Jolokia -- to create his Frankenstein-monster chili.
"It's painful to eat," Fowler told the Daily Mail. "It's hot enough to strip paint." Indeed, the Daily Mail reports that defense researchers are already investigating the pepper's potential uses as a weapon.
  • But Fowler, who makes customers sign a waiver declaring that they're of sound mind and body before trying a Naga Viper-based curry, insists that consuming the fiery chili does the body good.
  • "It numbs your tongue, then burns all the way down," he told the paper. "It can last an hour, and you just don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. But it's a marvelous endorphin rush. It makes you feel great."
Source: The Lookout, Mail Online

1 comment:

  1. What the hell are they talking about?
    This chili is available in abundance in Myanmar since eons and eons ago!
    And it is the hottest chili around. Two of this in the pot makes the whole family tear and lips swell and even lose voice.
    Go to any market in Myanmar and you can buy is very cheaply. It's called Kalar Aor Thee(the indian will scream!)
