Sunday, December 12, 2010


India needs to re-work its traffic rules to avoid a surge in road accident-related casualties, an expert has warned. Says amendments could lessen traumatic cases in hospitals.
JAIPUR, India -The observation by Dr Cody Bunger, president of the International Society of Orthopaediatric and Traumatology, a Belgium-based international body of orthopaedic surgeons, came after he admitted his shock at the sheer number of trauma cases in Indian hospitals, a very large number of which are related to road accidents.
Dr Bunger was addressing the Indian Orthopaedics Association annual conference in Jaipur as a guest speaker.
  • Bunger had studied the Indian traffic system rules and have come to the conclusion that the authorities should meet and discuss a new set of traffic rules that could be implemented to cut down road accidents.
  • India is developing very fast industrially and a lot of industrial goods movements are done by road transport which has increased traffic movement on the roads and, with bad traffic rules, more than half-a-million people in the country die because of road accidents.
  • Moreover, the high rate of road accidents has also increased the number of trauma cases which the government-owned hospitals have to deal with," he said.
  • The Indian trauma wards are full of people injured in road accidents. In a developing economy of India, a lot of lives could be saved by amending the traffic rules and educating people on road safety, Dr Bunger added.
Dr Bunger, who is chairman of spine surgery and director of the orthopaedic research laboratory at Aarhus university at Noerrebrogade, Denmark, besides an internationally known spine surgeon, said he was also very disturbed by the acute shortage of paediatric surgeons in India.
Source: AFP

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