Sunday, November 14, 2010


MANILA, Philippine - In a bid to provide better protection to overseas workers, the Philippines government has mandated agencies hiring Filipinos for overseas jobs to provide them insurance coverage.
An order issued by Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) chief, Jennifer Jardin-Manalil, prescribes "compulsory" insurance coverage for agency-hired workers from the Philippines.
The memorandum circular spells out the insurance benefits Filipinos working overseas should be given and binds their employer to honour these welfare clauses.
The government had recently amended the provisions of its Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act of 1995 (Republic Act 8042), and put in place new guidelines for the compliance of overseas employers under the RA 1022.
  • The implementation of compulsory insurance coverage for agency-hired workers took effect on November 8, 2010.
  • "With the law already in effect, the POEA is under obligation to implement the provision on insurance coverage of agency-hired Filipino workers leaving the country for the first time under new contracts," Jardin-Manalil said.
The insurance coverage will be effective during the duration of the employee's contract.
Source: correspondent

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