Friday, November 19, 2010


MECCA, Saudi Arabia - The Indonesian Religious Affairs Ministry said Wednesday that as of Tuesday, 122 Indonesian pilgrims — 59 men and 53 women — had died in Mecca during the haj.
Most of the victims — 86 people — died of circulatory disorders, 26 of respiratory problems and 8 from infections, a ministry report was quoted as saying .
Of the deceased, 83 were older than 60, 29 were between the ages of 50 and 59 and 10 were between the ages of 40 to 49, the report said.
On Monday, Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali, who also the head of Indonesian haj pilgrims, led a prayer for a deceased pilgrim, who died during a vigil on the plains of Arafat on Monday.
Source: Flash News

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