Tuesday, June 8, 2010


ISTANBUL — Turkey called for international punishment of Israel for its deadly raid on a Turkish Gaza-bound aid ship Mavi Marmara at a summit today where Ankara will also urge an immediate end to Israel’s blockade of the territory.
Leaders from Russia, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan are to attend the Eurasian and Middle East talks, but Israel is sending a diplomat from its consulate in Ankara rather than expose a higher-ranking figure to the fury over last week’s killings.
  • “Israel committed a crime against all international laws and regulations,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a news conference with his Afghan and Pakistani counterparts ahead of the summit, which includes key enemies of Israel.
  • Turkey wants a final declaration by the two-day meeting of the Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) forum to condemn Monday’s raid by Israeli commandos in which nine Turks were killed.
  • “If CICA is the OECD of Asia then the final declaration of the summit should have a statement about Israel’s attack,” a Turkish official said, referring to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • “If there was such an attack in Hungary, for example, then all OECD countries would have a say.”
  • Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who held talks on the sidelines with his Afghan counterpart Zalmay Rasul and Davutoglu to foster relations between Kabul and Islamabad, condemned the incident which drew global censure.
  • “Pakistan condemned in the strongest possible terms the unjustified aggression shown towards the freedom flotilla,” Qureshi said, and told Davutoglu: “We stand by you”.
  • Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has said Israel must be punished and that “nothing would ever be the same” between the two nations, accusing Israel of breaking the biblical commandment “thou shalt not kill”.
  • Davutoglu also told today’s news conference Muslim Turkey will not fully normalise relations with once close ally Israel until the Jewish state accepted an international investigation.
  • Israel rejected such a proposal by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and said it had the right to launch its own inquiry, saying that its forces acted in self-defence after they were set upon by pro-Palestinian activists wielding clubs and knives.
  • Davutoglu said on the eve of the talks that Ankara could no longer tolerate the policies of Israel towards the Palestinians.
  • “Turkey was one of the first countries recognising Israel,” Davutoglu told CNN yesterday. But now we cannot tolerate the policies of tension, the policies of blockade against Gaza, the policies of punishment and the policy of attacking civilians in international sea, international waters. That, we cannot tolerate.”
  • While the forum aims to dampen regional tensions, Israel’s storming of the ship and what to do about the blockade on the Palestinians are likely to dominate the meeting.
  • The nine Turks were killed on Monday in the Israeli commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, part of a six-vessel convoy that set out to challenge the blockade of the Gaza Strip imposed in 2006 after Hamas Islamists won control of the territory.
  • Turkey’s Islamist-leaning government and the Turkish public were infuriated by the killings.
  • Turkey, Nato’s only Muslim member and a candidate to join the European Union, has sought to raise its international profile in recent years, mediating in issues ranging from Afghanistan/Pakistan ties to Iran’s nuclear programme.
  • Critics say Erdogan’s government, which has a hard core of support among religious conservatives and strong backing in the broader population, risks tilting too far towards stronger ties with Middle East governments the West does not trust.
  • Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map”, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas are among eight presidents at the talks, which kicked off today ahead of Tuesday’s full summit.
  • President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, though not a member, is attending as a guest.
  • The diplomatic momentum will continue on Wednesday, as Arab League foreign ministers gather for a Turkish-Arab Forum.Turkey, with Brazil’s help, brokered an accord with Iran for a nuclear fuel swap, in the hope of heading off sanctions against a fellow Muslim neighbor, major trading partner and key supplier of gas.
Source: Reuters

On the same juncture, An Israeli minister says he expects a decision soon on an investigation into Israel's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left eight Turks and a Turkish-American dead.Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said Israel is now considering the options for an investigation and is dealing with the United States and the United Nations.He told The Associated Press on Monday that "a decision will be published in a short time."
The U.N. Security Council has called for "a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards," and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been trying to bridge differences between Israel, Turkey and other key parties.
Source: AP

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