Friday, September 11, 2009


MOSUL, Iraq - A deadly truck bomb explosion in a Kurdish village near Iraq's northern city of Mosul has left more than 17 people dead and at least 25 more wounded.
  • The incident came when the driver of an explosive-laden truck detonated the vehicle, and himself, just after midnight in the village of Wardak, southeast of Mosul, AFP reported.
  • A similar attack was foiled when a driver was killed by Iraqi security forces before he could trigger the explosives in his truck, according to police.
  • Despite the presence of Iraqi soldiers and police, as well as Kurdish Peshmerga troops, the region around Mosul is rocked by recurring bombings and explosions on an almost daily basis.
  • The second largest city in the violence-wracked Iraq, Mosul lies 350 kilometers (220 miles) north of the capital Baghdad and is home to Sunni and Shia Muslims, Turkmen, and Kurdish communities.
  • Mounting violence in the multi-ethnic region has fueled the tensions between Iraqi Arabs and Kurds, who are vying for land and resources.
  • On Tuesday, four American soldiers and 10 Iraqi police forces were killed in the troubled north, making it the bloodiest day for the US military in five months.
Courtesy: Press TV

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