Monday, August 10, 2009


A survey commissioned by Al Jazeera in Pakistan has revealed a widespread disenchantment with the United States for interfering with what most people consider internal Pakistani affairs.
  • An overwhelming number, 59 per cent of respondents, said the greatest threat to Pakistan right now is, in fact, the US, a donor of considerable amounts of military and development aid.
  • 11 per cent of the population identified the Taliban fighters, who have been blamed for scores of deadly bomb attacks across the country in recent years.
  • Another 18 per cent said that they believe that the greatest threat came from neighbouring India, which has fought three wars with Pakistan since partition in 1947.
  • The resentment was made clearer when residents were asked about the Pakistan's military efforts to tackle the Taliban.
  • Keeping with recent trends a growing number of people, now 41 per cent, supported the campaign.
  • About 24 per cent of people remained opposed, while another 22 per cent of Pakistanis remained neutral on the question.
  • A recent offensive against Taliban fighters in the Swat, Lower Dir and Buner districts of North West Frontier Province killed at least 1,400 fighters, according to the military, but also devastated the area and forced two million to leave their homes.
  • However, when asked if they support or oppose the US military's drone attacks against what Washington claims are Taliban and al-Qaeda targets, only nine per cent of respondents reacted favourably.
  • A massive 67 per cent say they oppose US military operations on Pakistani soil.
Source: Al jazeera

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