Monday, July 6, 2009


Arabs in eastern Jerusalem watch Obama's Cairo speech, June 4
After the war in Gaza, I seldom post news coming from Jerusalem which include Gaza and West Bank.
It seems , Iran , North Korean and other parts of the world had dominated the breaking news, now a days.
However, I was enchanted by a report written by a Jewish writer elaborating how PA Arab feel about the present of Jews and Christian in holy land of Jerusalem.
After doing some research, I found out, she get the news from Arutz Shiva, an Israel national news com.
  • According to the news, a poll released this week showed that PA Arabs are reluctant to grant rights to Jews or Christians within areas demanded for a PA state.
  • A survey conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development among 1,200 Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza found that did not feel Jerusalem should be shared with Jews and Christians.
  • When asked to what extent they agreed with a statement made by United States President Barack Obama that Jerusalem should be “a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims,” less than 17 percent said they agree, while 20 percent said they “somewhat agree.” More than 42 percent said they disagree with the statement, while 17 percent “somewhat disagree.”
  • More than 45 percent of those surveyed disagreed with a second statement of Obama's in which the president called on the Arab world to reject violence and killing as a means of struggle. Twenty-two percent did not give an answer, while the remainder said they “agree” or “somewhat agree” with the statement.
  • The poll showed that PA Arabs were pessimistic regarding Obama's speech to the Arab world in early June. More believed that Obama's visit to the region would strengthen Israel, increase restrictions on Gaza, and do nothing to promote negotiations than believed the opposite.
  • Only 14.2 percent said they fully agreed that Obama is serious when he calls for the creation of a PA state.
  • Thirty-one percent believed Israel should not insist that Jews be allowed to live in a PA state.
Another new poll showed that most Israeli Jews believe that any future Palestinian Authority-led Arab state in Judea and Samaria should provide Jews with equal rights, including the right to live freely in its territory.
The statistic was revealed Thursday by a Maagar Mochot poll published by the Independent Media Review and Analysis.Fifty-eight percent of the 506 Israeli Jews surveyed said they believed Israel should insist that any future PA state respect the right of Jews to live in its territory.
To what extent, this report reflects the real situation in Jerusalem, only Muslim Palestinian, Jews and Christian over there knows.
Pray, they well-come the two state solution recommended by U.S.

Source: Israel Jews News Blogspot, Arutz Shiva

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