Tuesday, May 12, 2009


About 30 fighters wearing suicide vests and using AK-47s and grenades, have attacked government buildings in the Afghan city of Khost, the Taliban says.
Battles on Tuesday are ongoing and all roads in and out of the city in the southeastern Khost province are closed.
Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, in the capital, Kabul, said that a Taliban spokesman had told Al Jazeera that the 30 fighters were in the city of Khost targeting government buildings and police stations and checkpoints.
"The latest reports that we have is that Taliban forces are now holed up inside the municipality building in the centre of Khost city. They are surrounded by American special forces and Afghan security forces," she said.
"Two car bombings struck outside the governor's office as well as a police headquarters in the city." "There were fierce gun battles between the Taliban and Afghan security forces."
The unnamed spokesman said that Khost was targeted because of the heavy US military presence there.
Al Jazeera

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