Wednesday, April 8, 2009


PETALING JAYA : Pakatan Rakyat’s massive wins in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau are a clear referendum on the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government’s divisive politics and its new prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
They also said it was proof that the opposition has delivered its campaign promises and a major political paradigm shift with the people strong in their support for the electoral pact since Election 2008.
“The by-election was a referendum on him. Their entire line of campaigning was that this new leader must be given a chance,” opposition de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today.
“The entire BN campaign strategy, other than the Malay agenda, is that we have a new leader who is committed to champion the cause of Malays and all races, in fact One Malaysia but that has crumbled.”
He said BN and Najib must reflect on their massive losses and undertake necessary reforms as Pakatan could form the government if snap elections were called soon.
“Normally, when a new prime minister comes in, the sentiment shifts but it did not happen this time,” he said, adding this was a major change in Malaysian thinking.
Ironically, BN’s only victory in yesterday’s by-election was in Batang Ai in Sarawak which Mahathir did not visit. But Anwar questioned the Batang Ai results saying it was marred by irregularities.
“We have proof of cheating and ballot boxes that were thrown away," he says. “We will study what transpired.”
The Elections Comission however, said it was past practice to take the ballot boxes to the counting centres and said that PKR officials could follow the vehicles transporting the ballot boxes. “But how can we follow helicopters and boats?” responded Anwar.
He also said that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin’s huge victory in Bukit Gantang has shown that the people of Perak want the state assembly dissolved for a fresh election.
“Campaigning against the full might of the BN leadership, his victory is a telling sign of the waning support for the current government,” Anwar added.
The Malaysian Insider

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