Saturday, April 18, 2009


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says that the US President Barack Obama is open to meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart, Hugo Chavez.
Gibbs said while Obama has no current plans to meet with the Venezuelan president during the Summit of the Americas (SOA), the US leader would welcome any offer of a one-on-one meeting from Chavez, CNN quoted him as saying.
"Every time I pull the president aside to have a conversation we've had that conversation (to meet Chavez)," Gibbs said in reference to the possibility of such a meeting during the Trinidad and Tobago summit.
Obama arrived on Friday for the summit, which represents a meeting of the top North and South American leaders. Cuba is not a member of the Organization of American States due to US opposition.
On Thursday, Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, vowed to veto the summits final declaration because he said the declaration would not denounce Cuba's exclusion from the group.
"Venezuela puts its veto from now on this declaration. We say, with other countries, that we do not agree with this declaration," Chavez said.
Press TV

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