Thursday, April 16, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak chaired his first Cabinet meeting on Wednesday with a reminder to ministers to “give their best” and that it is important for them to have “job satisfaction” with their portfolios.
He said he also told the ministers not to work with only their communities in mind, but to give their assistance to every ethnic group and to break away from such mentality.
Najib said he also told the ministers to expect their first evaluation under the key performance indicators (KPIs) in November, adding that the line-up was a “people’s Cabinet” which must be capable of fulfilling the people’s high expectations and hopes.
He said he also stressed to them the importance of not being seen to be making decisions that sided with “special interest groups” or corporate bodies.
“The bottomline is that any decision should be made with the interests of the rakyat (people) in mind although it is important for the Government to continue with private sector friendly policies.
“I have told Cabinet members that with the current political situation, the people have become more critical and they should not assume that it’s still business as usual. So, there must be change and renewal.
“I emphasised the need for them to open their doors and hold discourses and dialogues with various groups so that any decision really has the interests of the people at heart,” he told reporters on Wednesday.
Asked if ministers would be dropped if they failed to achieve their KPI, Najib said Cabinet ministers were fully aware that the future of the Government depended on them and on them performing their duties. “I’m sure they will carry out their responsibility,” he said.
The Star Online

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