Monday, April 27, 2009


Israel resumes its anti-Tehran war talk in spite of stiff US opposition to the launch of go-it-alone air strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.
With less than a week having past since Israeli military plans against Iran received the brush-off in Washington, Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon said the allegedly new US policy toward Tehran would be a "waste of time" without a threat of military action.
Ya'alon who is wanted in several countries for war crimes over his involvement in the massacre of civilians and the assassination of senior Hamas official Salah Shehade urged Western countries to confront Iran and refrain from making any concessions on its nuclear program.
"I have no doubt that the Iranians will use any dialogue to stall for time if there will not be a clear time frame and clear benchmarks like telling them that they have two months to stop the enrichment," Ya'alon reasoned.
The former Israeli military heavyweight refused to comment on Tel Aviv's military agenda for Tehran but inarticulately warned that if the Obama administration fails to put an end to Iranian enrichment activities, a unilateral strike against the country's nuclear infrastructure would be looming on the horizon.
"We need to hope that the job will be done by someone else and at the same time, as the Talmudic sage Hillel said, 'If I am not for myself who will be?'" he asked, signaling Israeli willingness to go to war with or without White House support.
Courtesy: Press TV

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