Monday, March 16, 2009


Two Israeli traffic policemen have been shot dead near the West Bank town of Nablus and an operation is under way to try to catch the attacker or attackers.
The dying officers were found in their overturned car in the Massua district of the Jordan Valley. It is the first fatal shooting of an Israeli in the West Bank since April of last year.
A previously unknown group, named after a dead Lebanese Hezbollah leader, has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The Imad Mughniyeh Group, named after the man killed by a bomb in Damascus just over a year ago, made its claim in messages to foreign media.
Israel denied any role in the Hezbollah leader's assassination.The Israeli intelligence services had issued an alert saying there could be retaliation on the anniversary of his death, 12 February.
However, it was thought that this would target Israeli businessmen or holidaymakers abroad, the BBC's Paul Wood reports from Jerusalem.
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said a "nationalistic motive" appeared to have been behind Sunday's attack.
The attack took place in an area close to the Jordanian border and under Israeli security control.
Our correspondent says anger has been running high since Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, which left some 1,300 Palestinians dead.
Courtesy: BBC News

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