Friday, March 6, 2009


Sudan's decision to expel 13 foreign aid agencies after an international call for its president's arrest on war crimes charges has raised fears for hundreds of thousands dependent on the world's largest humanitarian operation.
President Omar Hassan al-Bashir on Thursday ordered 10 agencies to leave: Oxfam GB, CARE, Save the Children UK, the Norwegian Refugee Council, MSF-Netherlands, the International Rescue Committee, Action Against Hunger, CHF International, Mercy Corps and Solidarites.
MSF-France also said it had been expelled.
Following are details about some of the humanitarian work likely to be affected by the expulsions.

* ACTION AGAINST HUNGER -- Says 450,000 people will be immediately deprived of its emergency food aid, mostly in Darfur.

* CARE -- Provides food, water, sanitation and health care for 1.5 million people in the western Darfur region, neighbouring Chad and North and South Kordofan.

* INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE -- Helps 650,000 people in Darfur with medical care, water, sanitation and education. Also assists 1.1 million people in North and East Sudan.

* MEDICINS SANS FRONTIERES - NETHERLANDS -- Runs medical services in South Darfur, including a hospital around Muhajariya that serves 70,000 people. Fears a deadly meningitis outbreak at Kalma displacement camp could put 90,000 at risk.

* MERCY CORPS -- Helps 200,000 people living in Darfur displacement camps.

* OXFAM -- Provides aid, including clean water, to 600,000 people across Darfur, in Khartoum state and eastern Sudan.

* SAVE THE CHILDREN -- Helps 50,000 children in Khartoum and northeastern Sudan.

Courstesy: REUTERS
* Other Related News by AP : UN warns `irrevocable damage' in Darfur expulsions

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