Friday, March 27, 2009


At least 50 people have drowned after a lake burst through a dam, sending a wall of water into a neighbourhood outside Jakarta, the Indonesian capital.
The collapse of the dam on Friday morning left more than a dozen people missing and hundreds of homes submerged. Officials say they expect the death toll to rise.
It is not clear what caused the dam to burst, but an official said the Situ Gintung lake behind the dam became overloaded after four hours of heavy rain.
"The dam was very old, up to a hundred years old, and people are saying maybe the construction was at fault here," Hywel Davies, Al Jazeera's c
orrespondent in Tangerang, 20km west of Jakarta, said.
Rustam Pakaya, head of the health ministry crisis centre, said that the flash flood submerged around 400 houses in water up to two metres deep in some places, following hours of heavy rain. "It rained very heavily for several hours yesterday. The lake overloaded with water and the dam broke," he said.
"Right now residents are being evacuated. About half of them are still on rooftops waiting for help."
The dam was holding about two million cubic metres of water on the Pesanggrahan river.
Courtesy: Al Jazeera


  1. Hello,

    Aku mengajak juga melihat artikel dalam topik serupa:

    Tsunami Kecil di Tangerang

    Ini adalah seruan agar kita membangun masyarakat yang lebih antisipatif dalam bencana.

    Terima kasih...


  2. Hello,

    Aku mengajak juga melihat artikel dalam topik serupa:

    Tsunami Kecil di Tangerang

    Ini adalah seruan agar kita membangun masyarakat yang lebih antisipatif dalam bencana.

    Terima kasih...


  3. Dian manginta,
    Thanks kerana melawat dan saterus nya menjemput saya melihat artikal kamu daa log " Cantek Selamanya"
    Itu sudah pasti saya lakukan bila-bila masa.
    terima kaseh sekali lagi
