Sunday, March 1, 2009


The Israel Lobby howls at the Secretary of State for insisting that Israel allow aid into Gaza, says Ari Berman,Washington DC-based writer for The Nation magazine.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, rightly, is trying to make sure that Israel doesn't tur
n Gaza into an even bleaker post-apocalyptic wasteland
In an interview on Friday with Voice of America, Clinton said she would emphasize her country's commitment to a two-state solution.
Clinton said the administration wanted to help Israel and the Palestinian Authority work toward a permanent agreement leading to an independent, sustainable Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.
She said the United States sought internal Palestinian reconciliation, but any national unity government would have to maintain the conditions of the Quartet: recognizing Israel, abiding by previous agreements and forsaking violence.
Traveling to both regions for the first time as America's top diplomat, the former first lady could put the best foot forward of the fledgling administration of
President Barack Obama, who has vowed a new spirit of global cooperation.
At the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, where Clinton will attend Monday a donors conference aimed at rebuilding the Gaza Strip.
She will have to respond to the worries of European leaders who want Washington to pressure Israel to improve aid distribution to the Palestinian enclave, which has been beset by Israeli blockades.
The United States is reportedly mulling a 900-million-dollar aid package to rebuild Gaza but Clinton said Friday the aid would depend on how well the Palestinians meet the conditions of the diplomatic quartet of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia.
"I will be announcing a commitment to a significant aid package, but it will only be spent if we determine that our goals can be furthered rather than undermined or subverted," she told Voice of America radio.

Courtesy: Middle Rast Online, HAARETZ and Google

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