Monday, March 23, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR: Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said changes to Umno's constitution were possible in the reformation of the party.
He said the party's organisational structure and policies also needed to be revamped in re-positioning Umno in line with the current needs of the people and to countering the negative perception people had of Umno.
"Change must take place in Umno itself so that the negative perception can be eliminated. For this reason, the election process of Umno's leaders also needs to be reviewed.
"We must do something in a serious way, and dare to make changes. I am confident if we take this path, support for Umno and the Barisan Nasional will return and we can be back to where we were previously.
"So, internal changes in Umno need to be tackled first and after that government policies and approaches in the direction we intend to take to fulfill the aspirations of the people. This is what we will have to strive for," he said when interviewed on the Dialog@1 programme on Radio Television Malaysia's TV1 channel at the Putra World Trade Centre here, Sunday night.
He expected the changes to Umno's constitution to take place before the party's polls in the coming years.
Najib, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, also wanted Umno delegates to the party's general assembly this week to only return leaders who were capable and willing to serve with integrity, credibility and loyalty.
"I hope they will choose leaders based on the party's interest and not self-interest. "If we go for this attribute, I am sure it will signal the beginning of the reform process for Umno," he said.
He said in reforming itself, Umno, which is also the lynchpin of the BN, must also be willing to give room to the component parties in the coalition to forward their views and needs on the basis of the power sharing concept the BN practised.
"If they are unable to deliver, they will lose credibility among the ethnic groups they are representing," he said.
Courtesy: BERNAMA

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