Sunday, February 1, 2009



Message of support for the protesters inside King's College, London.
LONDON, England: Britain's top student body has urged protesters to abandon nationwide university sit-ins over Israel's military actions in Gaza as others voice concern over increasing hostility towards Jewish students.
The National Union of Students said while it understood feelings behind the several weeks of protests on a scale rarely seen in Britain since the 1960s, the levels of disruption was now at an unacceptable level with heightened tensions on campuses.
"The protesters need to find new ways to campaign vocally without causing disruption to students on campus" Wes Streeting, N.U.S. president, told CNN.
The protests have also resulted in negative repercussions towards Jews on campuses, according to the country's Union of Jewish Students.
"Where there has been occupations, there has been an increase in harassment, intimidation and hostility towards Jewish students," said Yair Zivan, the group's campaign directors.
Other students have also been affected. Cambridge University's Students' Union President Mark Fletcher told CNN complaints were made by students to the university about the sit-in of its prestigious law faculty.
A spokesperson for the University of Nottingham, in central England, said students were missing lectures as a result of the protests.
A Facebook group against the action at Cambridge University says the protesters were "blackmailing our university and undermining academic independence."
Occupations are currently ongoing at London's Queen Mary College and King's College and have spread across the country to campuses in, Cambridge, Oxford, Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Coventry and Manchester.
Students are refusing to leave until the universities meet demands including: The issuing of a statement denouncing Israeli attacks in Gaza; cutting ties to the arms trade, the sending of surplus books and computers to Gaza, scholarships for Palestinian students and the dropping of any legal, financial, or academic action against the protesters.
Source: CNN

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