Monday, February 23, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR–An Umno lawyer is understood to have been instructed by the Barisan Nasional (BN) party to seek advice from a Queen’s Counsel in London in an effort to break the constitutional impasse in Perak.
The lawyer is said to have left for London yesterday to meet with an unnamed QC even as the question over the legitimacy of the current MB Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir is already before the courts here.
British lawyers are occasionally instructed in courts here but only when the expertise is not available locally.
It is not clear if Umno will want to have a QC represent them in court in the lawsuit filed by Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin, who maintains he remains the Perak mentri besar.
Since the 1980s QCs have rarely been granted approval to appear before Malaysian courts although clients are free to seek their advice.
In 2006, Cherie Blair, the wife of Tony Blair and a prominent QC, was denied her day in Malaysian court when the Federal Court dismissed her application to appear on behalf of Fawziah Holdings in a dispute with Metramac over a tolled highway contract.
But the Perak case is now in what is clearly uncharted constitutional territory.
Courtesy: THE MALAYSIAN Insider..More..

1 comment:

  1. A shame to our King and Queen. Seeking QC show disgrace to Malaysia. Charge them into ISA since Human Right Lawyer did the same and they counting in ISA.If UMNO does then they are free.
    Bar Counsil my advise dont waste time just shutdown your company
