Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Reminisce of Tamil Tigers militant group

Sri Lanka's government has ruled out a ceasefire and says it is close to crushing the Tamil Tigers
Sri Lanka's rebel Tamil Tigers will be "completely defeated in a few days" the country's president has said in an address marking national day celebrations."Today, we have been able to nearly destroy terror", Mahinda Rajapakse said in a televised address at an independence day parade in Colombo on Wednesday.
"Our troops have given us the opportunity to see the dawn of an honorable peace for the country ... the shadows of terrorism have almost been wiped out"" he said.His speech follow weeks of fighting in which Sri Lankan forces have made major advances against former Tiger strongholds in the country's north.
An intense government offensive over the past year has dismantled the Tigers' mini-state in northern Sri Lanka, with the LTTE losing an estimated 98 per cent of the territory once under their control.
The LTTE are now pushed into a 300-square-kilometre slice of coastal area, squeezed by an increasingly confident Sri Lankan army and the navy.
The LTTE have been fighting government forces since 1983, alleging marginalisation by Sri Lanka's Sinhalese majority.
The group is seeking a separate homeland for ethnic Tamils in the north and east of the country.
Source: Al Jazeera

1 comment:

  1. Great to see a successful operations against terrorists. They must be defeated..
