Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi
Libya clinches the African Union's rotating presidency with the goal of bringing the continent's countries together under the banner of "United States of Africa."
"I shall continue to insist that our sovereign countries work to achieve the United States of Africa," said Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi who was appointed to the post during the body's Monday summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, AFP reported.
Gaddafi has described the unionist idea as a driving force which could curb Africa's perennial problems like damaged economies, deplorable health conditions.
The office is expected to enable the 40-year leader of the country intensify his longstanding efforts to solidify ties among the African states.
The Western powers have already launched a campaign attempting to downplay Gaddafi's efforts accusing him of despotism and sponsorship of terror and weapons of mass destruction.
"I hope my term will be a time of serious work and not just words," he added during his inauguration.
The 53-nation bloc, which partially owes its 2001 metamorphosis from its precedent the Organization for African Unity to the Libyan leader, is also expected to undergo changes under the 66-year-old.
The AU Commission, the Union's controlling body, is already set for transformation into an AU Authority with expanded powers.
Source: AFP

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