Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ibrahim Moussawi, a spokesman for Hezbollah, is set to give a lecture in Britain - attended by Whitehall officials
The British Government officials will spend thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money to attend a lecture by an Islamic extremist Ibrahim Moussawi; a spokesman for the Lebanese terrorist organisation Hezbollah.
the lectures Moussawi plans to deliver are targeted at Whitehall officials who deal in foreign affairs and extremism.
Another speaker at the event is the UK-based extremist Dr Kamal Helbawy, a former spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, a group said to have inspired Al Qaeda.
A spokesman for the School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS) said, 'The programme has a wide range of speakers with diverse specialisms.
The rationale behind the invitation to Dr Moussawi is to help Government officials and other senior leaders understand more clearly what makes Hezbollah tick.'
The Speakers will each spend up to £1,890 of taxpayers' cash attending the Political Islam event at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) next month.
Last night, Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, a researcher for the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC), a respected think-tank, said: 'In their willingness to pay extremists like Dr Helbawy and Dr el-Moussawi, SOAS are helping these men present themselves as mainstream figures.
'It is particularly worrying that the target audience includes Government officials and the police, who may find themselves paying for advice on tackling terrorism from its very exponents.'
The CSC said it was now imperative Home Secretary, Miss Jacqui Smith ban Moussawi, who has allegedly called Jews 'a lesion on the forehead of history'.
The controversy came as ministers were criticised for backsliding on two promises on terrorism: one to ban the extremist Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, and the other to close down extremist websites.
Meanwhile, the Home Office admitted that not a single website had been closed down under terrorism laws, despite a pledge by Jacqui Smith that material that illegally 'glorifies terrorism' would be removed.

Courtesy: Mail Online....

1 comment:

  1. Why not...??? Kalau Amerika boleh menyokong pejuang IRA menentang kerajaan British...dan kini membawa IRA bekerjasama dengan kerajaan British, kenapa tidak Kerajaan British berkawan dengan pejuang2 Islam,yang menentang Amerika, untuk bergabung dimasa akan datang....!!

    "whatever goes around,come around."
