Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Although Obama may not have said he supports the Palestinian Cause and has even been reported to say he supports the state of Israel , but in truth, this is not what exactly he thinks and feels.
That he was elected because the American voters wanted to free their President from the lobbies group. That included Zionist Lobby in Washington DC.
The American voters who had dumped the Republicans during the presidential election, had delivered a clear message by voting Barack Hussein Obama, they a voting for freedom or vote against Zionist regime in America.
Even at this moment, the average Americans have finally rose to the occasion; that they had had with Zionist control of their economy, politics and social life. For they have not got anything positive in return.
The way the election of Obama was conducted is a sign that the influence of the Zionist or Zionist Lobby in Washington DC is now, not as what it used to be. Obama get his sponsors from the public donations. Not from the interest groups as the others had done before him.
Unlike Bush, Barack Obama don’t like war. He loved children.It remind him of his own children .He hate to see any children in this earth, suffering from the inconvenience. His experiences living abroad in Indonesia and other places, teach him the value of ‘ peace’.
The Israelis had underestimated Obama.They didn’t realize or pretend not to realize that Obama, with the support from British and most of EU leaders had long decided to adapt a new form of ideology. An ideology to nullify Bush doctrinism on ‘THE WAR ON TERROR’.
According to Obama friend, British foreign secretary ,David Miliband ‘the war on terror’ putting too much emphasis on military, force has said.
Like Obama, Miliband believed the correct response to the terrorist threat is primarily a military one–one.To track down and kill a hardcore of extremists. Of course, this concept doesn’t suit the Zionist ideology.
In a haste, The Zionist State of Israel had to do something drastic to show to Obama that he’d better support their cause. So they attacks helpless Gaza.
Gazan or Hamas actually, is not officially linked to Al-Qaida. Like Hezbollah, they are only fighting for the survival of their country and people.
Mentioning the attack on Gaza, everyone knows that by comparison Hamas military capacity is just like a handful of peanut to Israeli 'The Almighty'..The best army in the planet.
Initially they planned to attack Iran. But they realized Iran is not for them to play around.
Therefore they attacks Gaza, in order to give lesson to Iran. The excuse of self defense against Hamas Qassam rockets, according to sources, is actually a pre-calculated strategy, planned much earlier.
A neatly organized planning to choke the Gazan with ‘ Blockading’. Obviously, they knew before hand, the impatient and restless Hamas would retaliated and the war on Gaza is imminent.
Israeli having the best intelligence agency in the world, must have known what going around their backyard. However for a reason, they allow the smuggling of weapon activities to go on for a period of time.
It is rather unfortunate, the Hamas militants fire missile rockets to the innocent Israelis’ civilian settlements. By doing so, Hamas get the blame and treated by Israel and ally as the oppressor.
As we all know, the result, is catastrophe .
The innocence Gazan civilian pay the heavy prices. They were slaughtered and butchered by the Israel Defence Force.
In doing so, the Israeli was hoping to gain support from Obama and the rest of the EU. However they didn’t realize that they had fallen into a trap, and in time , they will also realize their own folly.
That they are not really attacking the Palestinian but themselves and their ideals.
The whole world woken and suddenly sympathizing the Palestine suffering, instead. Unlike before, the Arabs gradually and strongly united behind Palestinian course.
Only then the Israeli realized that they had destroy the basic democracy ideology that they are supposed to represented in the middle east.
However, we will wait and see.
Source: Anonymous


  1. Israil laknatullah.. Samalah kita boikot barangan yahudi..

    Salam dinakan ku semimon.. Amun un masa, ngogo2 te' ta blog kami soro anak Marudu..http://marudubloggers.blogspot.com/

  2. Denakan Lt M Muss,
    Terima kasih kerana melawat blog ku. Saterus ni jemputan untuk melawat blog denakan.
    Daa kau susah bila uun masa akan lawat ku blog nu. Mungkin muan komen yang berpatutan,
    Selamat berjaya Anak Sama, teruskan perjuangan yang belum selesai.

  3. One of the most moving passages in his inaugural address is his sharp disavowal of the Bush presidency's aggressive warmongering record:

    As for our common defence, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake. And so to all other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born: know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more.

    President Obama's inaugural address: speech in full
