Friday, January 9, 2009



Foreign ministers from Western and Arab nations spent the day in talks
The UN Security Council approved a resolution Thursday calling for an immediate and durable cease-fire between Hamas militants and the Israel Defense Forces now fighting in the Gaza Strip, with the US alone abstaining.
The vote followed three days of intense negotiations between ministers from key Arab nations and the council's veto-wielding Western powers - the United States, Britain and France.
It came on the 13th day of an Israeli air and ground offensive against the Islamic group Hamas, which rules Gaza.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said that members were distressed by the plight of victims and their families on both sides.
Thirteen days of fighting between Israel and Hamas have left an estimated 765 Palestinians and 14 Israelis dead.
"Peace will be made in the region, not in New York, but actions in New York can support the search for peace in the region," a senior British official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks.
With Palestinian civilian casualties mounting, the Arabs are under intense pressure to get a resolution - and several diplomats said they want it before Friday prayers at mosques in the region.
"We are not going to leave without a vote today," Moussa told reporters. The key elements are the withdrawal (of Israeli forces), cease-fire, the humanitarian situation, the opening of crossings.
Source: ABC

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