Thursday, January 29, 2009


DAVOS: Both Turkish leaders and the Turkish public reacted harshly to what they call “Israel's devastating offensive in the Gaza Strip,” Turkey's English daily, Today’s Zaman, reports.
Prime Minister Erdogan has recently called the IDF’s operations in Gaza “a crime against humanity.” In addition, Erdogan emphasized that Hamas was elected democratically in 2006 in its landslide victory, which shows that the Arab populace in Gaza has chosen Hamas as their elected officials.
Erodogan is critical of world leaders for leaving Hamas out of the peace process. In addition, the Turkish prime minister has warned that the situation in Gaza could worsen if Western nations do not recognize Hamas as the legitimate leadership of the Palestinian Authority populace in Gaza.
However, President Shimon Peres will try to patch up Turkey's frosty relationship with Israel when he meets with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan on Thursday evening as part of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
It will be the first meeting between high-level Israeli and Turkish officials since Operation 'Cast Lead' ended.
Turkey harshly criticized Israel during Operation Cast Lead for its military actions in Gaza. Peres told IDF Army Radio on Thursday that his objective is to restore Israeli-Turkish diplomatic relations.
The friendship between the nations was placed in jeopardy two weeks ago after the Turkish prime minister sharply criticized the IDF’s operations in Gaza.
“He was mainly influenced by the visuals in Al-Jazeera. I will explain to him our version and we will repair the relationship.
We won’t harm them,” Peres said, explaining that he will show Erdogan the Israeli side of the conflict, which Israel began after Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets at Israeli targets in the last eight years.


  1. Who does Erdogan think he's kidding? He knows full well that Hamas' very reason for being is to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Hamas leaders have referred to Israel as an "offense to God" simply for existing. The people of Gaza voted Hamas into power because that was their misguided way of expressing anger at Israel. Had they known how Hamas was going to do everything it could to provoke a war with Israel, it is unlikely they would have voted the same way. How is Israel supposed to negotiate with or believe anything that Hamas says? There simply no basis for any kind of peace between these two entities.

  2. Johnrj08,
    Thanks and welcome,
    You have every right to your opinion. So am I or anybody else. However, it would be fair to get the fact right before we praise or condemn anybody or group for that matter.
    In this case, you are commenting about Hamas and the misguided Palestinians who democratically voted for them.

    Commenting on the urge of Hamas to wipe Israel wanting to wipe Israel in off the face of the earth, to me is little bit weird and not easy to substantiate.

    Militarily speaking, Hamas in comparison to Israel is just like peanuts in a small bin.Or just like a Nazi and the Jews during the second world world war.

    However, politically Hamas is gaining momentum across the globe. Demonstrations and protests are everywhere around the world.
    In fact some countries had sacked Israel's Consulates for this matter.

    Even some from US and EU are sympathizing toward the Palestinians misery under the occupation and constant harassment.

    Actually, to understand as to how both parties hated each other so much we need to understand their outstanding background history. It ‘s painstaking indeed and very complex. I guess, everything for a reason.

    Personally and for now, I don’t commit myself of supporting any group. But unfortunately as an human being, I totally disagree with the way IDF handle the situation in Gaza. Killing innocent women and children.

    No doubt Israel is at war with Hamas but by killing those innocent women or children is unacceptable and outrageous.

    Known to be one of the best, Israel could take other options. I don’t thinks US and Its President condone Israel for its killing in Gaza.

    Talking of negotiation, somebody else can do it for them. Thus including the moderate Arabs world , Turkey, EU and US.
    However it is just like a long and winding road.
    Thanks any way for commenting

  3. Nothing justifies the crime Israel commited in Gaza. It was a crime and whoever supports Israel in doing what it did is also guilty of the same crime as well. Hamas threw rockets at ISrael, which killed nobody, because ISrael was slowly killing Palestinians by their unfair siege of the city. Throwing rocktes was the only way to draw the world's attention .

  4. Well said Haarega,
    I raise my case. However, thanks for visiting and your comments.
