Saturday, January 10, 2009


Memoir of Bosnian Muslim victims - women, children, and elderly men - were barricaded and murdered in abandoned houses around Srebrenica,
The United Nations has accused Israel of evacuating scores of Palestinians into a house in the suburbs of Gaza City, only to shell the property 24 hours later, killing some 30 people.
Citing "several testimonies" - but without identifying its sources - OCHA said that Israeli foot soldiers evacuated around 110 Palestinians into a house in Zeitun, south of Gaza City, on Sunday. Half of them were children.
"Twenty-four hours later, Israeli forces shelled the home repeatedly, killing approximately 30," OCHA said. "Those who survived and were able walked two kilometers to Salah Ed Din road before being transported to the hospital in civilian vehicles.
Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital."
The ICRC had already issued a statement on the Zeitun incident yesterday, accusing Israel of "unacceptable behaviour" and of breaching international humanitarian law.
In that statement, the ICRC said its team had discovered four emaciated children living next to the corpses of their dead mothers in a house on which there were 12 dead bodies lying on mattresses. In another house, they found 15 survivors of the Israeli bombardment, several of them wounded, and, in a third, three corpses.
According to a Bosnian scholar, what Israel does to the Palestinian Muslim is more or less equivalence to the action of Serbia to the Muslim Bosnian. He recite "The actions of the Israelis massacring the innocent Palestinian were labeled as 'ethnic cleansing,' and an act of genocide, a name which quickly took hold among the international media.
The mass killings, as well as the destruction of Muslim mosques and architecture in Gaza, the world community remained mostly indifferent.
In Serbia, the U.N. responded by imposing economic sanctions on Serbia and also deployed its troops to protect the distribution of food and medicine to dispossessed Muslims. However in Gaza the U.N. is strictly prohibited from interfering with the indiscriminate bombardment of Gaza by Israels' military forces.
Thus they remained steadfastly neutral no matter how bad the situation became.
The U.N., United States and the European Community would not take any action seriously . In fact they allow the Israelis freely committed genocide against Muslims.
By now, over 800 Muslim civilians had been systematically murdered and thousands more injured. "
Late last night in New York, the UN Security Council rhetorically passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The 15-member council backed a resolution drafted by Britain in a 14-0 vote after the United States lifted its veto threat - infuriating the Israelis - but decided nevertheless to abstain.
The resolution "stresses the urgency of and calls for an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza."
But the Israeli shelling continued unabated this morning, small plumes of white smoke rising every few minutes from the battered apartment blocks of Gaza City.
Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, rejected the resolution as "unworkable" today and said that Israel had "never agreed to let an external body decide its right to protect the security of its citizens".
"The firing of rockets this morning only goes to show that the UN decision is unworkable and will not be adhered to by the murderous Palestinian organizations," he added.
Source:TIME ONLINE and United Human Right News

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