Thursday, January 8, 2009



Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday warned that should Israel attack Lebanon, it would suffer an even greater defeat than the one he claimed it suffered in 2006.
"We are prepared for every possibility and are ready for all aggression... The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression," Nasrallah said, referring to the Second Lebanon War.
Nasrallah's comments came Lebanon resumed rocket fire on northern Israel for the first time in more than two years.
It was not immediately clear whether the rockets, which numbered up to five and exploded near the city of Nahariya, were fired by Hebzollah guerrillas or independent Palestinian militants.
Nasrallah accused Israel of seeking to liquidate the Palestinian cause and urged his supporters to be on alert. He said Hezbollah should be ready for anything and will not be cowered.
"We are here, ready for every possibility and prepared for any aggression," he said. "We will not weaken, fear or surrender."
Hezbollah has thousands of rockets and trained fighters but has so far held back its fire. Earlier, Nasrallah only called for protests against Israel and launched verbal attacks against Egypt's government for allegedly not helping the Palestinians.
Nasrallah said Israel will not be able to destroy Hamas or Hezbollah, addressing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: "I tell Olmert, the loser, the disappointed and defeated in Lebanon, 'You will not be able to eradicate Hamas and you will not be able to eradicate Hezbollah.'"
Nasrallah called on Arab nations with ties to Israel to sever those relations, praising Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez for expelling the Israeli envoy from Caracas in protest over the Gaza offensive.
However Israel has warned Hezbollah against igniting a second front, saying it would retaliate massively.
Source: AP

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