Friday, January 16, 2009



about 971 Dead more than one third children, with over 360 with critical injuries
America, when will you accept the answer to "why they hate us"—it is Israel and its iron grip of your government, national interest, and foreign policy. If Americans continue to die abroad, blame Israel, not Al Qaeda.
No people in the entire Muslim world conjures up as much pain, anger, and visceral passion in the heart and minds of Muslims more than the issue of Palestine, its theft, its ethnic cleansing, the decades long suffering of Palestinians under Israel's Nazi like occupation, and Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam.
If such a massive genocide of a trapped civilian population by air, sea, and land was committed by any other nation the world would launch a massive investigation into this crime against humanity and hold the leaders of such a nation accountable in the International Court of Justice. In a just world Israel would be charged with crimes against humanity as was Serbia and Rwanda.
Their refugee camps streets are filled with sewage, but now in Gaza, blood has overtaken the sewage.
From the Guardian paper, January 13, 2009
"Israel is facing growing demands from senior UN officials and human rights groups for an international war crimes investigation in Gaza over allegations such as the "reckless and indiscriminate" shelling of residential areas and use of Palestinian families as human shields by soldiers.
The Israeli military are accused of:
* Using powerful shells in civilian areas which the army knew would cause large numbers of innocent casualties;
* Using banned weapons such as phosphorus bombs;
* Holding Palestinian families as human shields;
* Attacking UN compound, medical facilities, including the killing of 12 ambulance men in marked vehicles;
* Killing large numbers of police who had no military role."
In reality Israel will never face any such charges as Israel is the sole "untouchable" nation on earth.
Israel has always used the U.N. Security Council to its advantage, with America's help, whenever it deems it appropriate to charge the Palestinians, Arab nations and Iran with what it calls war crimes and threats to its "existence".
Bring Israel to the International Court of Justice

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