Friday, January 16, 2009


LONDON: The Israeli bombing of the UN compound in Gaza was roundly condemned by most European nations. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown condemned the shelling as “indefensible” and “unacceptable and there is no excuse fpr appalling attack".
UN staff are working on behalf of the international community — any attack on them is unacceptable, as Israel has acknowledged.”
Brown said he would speak to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, currently in the region, and to regional leaders, to underline the UK’s unwavering support for the UN’s efforts to secure a cease-fire.
Foreign Office Minister Lord Mark Malloch-Brown said there was “absolutely no excuse” for the shelling. “We utterly condemn what has happened today to the UNWRA (United Nations Works and Relief Agency) headquarters in Gaza City.
“There is absolutely no excuse for it and it reminds me all too well of a similar attack in 2006 on a UN observation post in Lebanon,” he added.
Ireland’s Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said he was “appalled” at the shelling of the UNWRA Gaza headquarters. “I am also aware of some suggestions that white phosphorous may have been used in this attack. If that is so, I would strongly condemn such an act and call for this to be fully investigated by the United Nations,” he said.
He lamented that the UN had to suspend its operations, saying: “It is of great concern that they have been forced to take this step, at a time when the Gazans are enduring horrendous suffering.
Today’s events, yet again, underline the necessity for an immediate and permanent cease-fire to be instituted as soon as possible,” he said, adding that “intensive diplomatic efforts” were under way to secure a cease-fire. France strongly condemned Israel for shelling several hospitals, the UN compound and a building housing several international media groups in Gaza.
“We condemn in the strongest terms the bombings this morning by the Israeli Army of several hospitals and a building housing international media in Gaza City,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier.
“We condemn with equal strength the bombing that hit the headquarters of the UNRWA in Gaza, injuring three staff members,” he added.
“Israel must abstain from all action that is contrary to international law,” said Chevallier.
Source: News Agencies

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