Monday, January 26, 2009


The spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party says a beautiful young woman sent by God assisted the Israeli army in Gaza.
Following rumors of a woman appearing before Israeli troops, warning them of danger ahead in different locations in Gaza, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef gave his rabbinical seal of approval to the widely tossed around battlefield tale.
"The soldiers arrived at a house and wanted to go inside. There were three armed terrorists waiting for them there."
"And then a beautiful young woman appeared before them and warned: Don't enter the house, there are terrorists there, be careful," said the prominent Israeli religious leader in his Shabbat sermon.
When asked by the Israeli soldiers, Yosef said, the woman introduced herself as "Rachel" -- the biblical matriarch, the beloved wife of Jacob.
The 80-year old rabbi then went on to say that with the help of Mother Rachel the soldiers found the terrorists inside the place and killed them.
As founder and spiritual leader of Shas, Rabbi Yosef is believed to be held in almost saintly regard by hundreds of thousands of Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.
Earlier this week, former Israeli Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu had confirmed the rumor, saying, "The story is true. I sent her."
Source: Press TV

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