Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The Pope has been condemned by clergy and gay rights campaigners for arguing that mankind needed protection from homosexuality much as the rainforest needed protecting from environmental damage. Roman Catholic leaders in England, traditionally a liberal province, sought to distance themselves from the Pope’s remarks, claiming that he had been misrepresented because he never used the word “homosexual”.
A close reading of his annual Christmas address to cardinals at the Vatican makes clear that homosexual and transgender people are the targets of his comments on creation, order, gender and the manipulation of human nature.
The Pope said that the Church had a duty to “protect Man from destroying himself”. He called for an understanding of the “ecology of Man” as well as of the environment and said that the “natural order” of human beings as man and woman should be respected. Gender theory had led Man away from God, and marriage, a way of life not permitted to Catholic priests, was a “sacrament of creation”.
The strength of the reaction against his remarks from bloggers and other online commentators worldwide gave one of the clearest indications to date that the row over gays that has taken the Anglican Church almost to a schism is one that is close to erupting in the more tightly ruled Roman Catholic Church as well.
he Church has become increasingly entrenched in its insistence that homosexuality is ordered towards an “intrinsic moral evil” and that gay people are “objectively disordered”.
One Vatican official referred to homosexuality this year as “a deviation, an irregularity, a wound”. The Vatican has also this year approved psychological tests to make sure that men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” or “uncertain sexual identity” are not admitted to seminaries for training for the priesthood.
Read more (Other Views on Gender Theory)...

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