Thursday, December 11, 2008


Again the Jihadists were deceived to do exactly what the CIA and NATO forces wanted in the first place (If the assumption was true).
Disunity and disagreement between Pakistan and India may lead to conflict of interest concerning Kashmir.
  • The leaders of the Jihadists were drown to make the attacks which had terrible consequences among large number of civilians and small number of spies (as imagined by attackers as Israelis, Americans, and British agents.)
  • I think the CIA and NATO may have given broad line instructions and may share financing of such turmoil in the region, which was translated into terrorist acts to achieve hidden goals. But this remains an assumption not a fact. Those who were deceived by their own interests were mislead by hurting India.
  • What happened was exactly obvious which is similar to 911 attacks against the United States. The hidden goals (mysteriously worked) have victory over the clear goals of the Jihadists. The hidden goals may be related to CIA, or may be to a more powerful organization ( than the NATO) had its insights to dominate the world resources and governments in the face of opposition (Islamists or Russians or else).
  • But Islamists of the 911 attacks (who could never have done the attack without inside assistantce or negligence or purposive planning) took the bait, and thought they could hurt America by killing hundreds of civilians (and imagined little number of real enemies). The significance of 911 was disastrous over Muslims and as a result Afghanistan and Iraq, and the government of Pakistan were the main target as a hidden factor in the 911 catastrophic attack.
    The Islamists, seven years after 911, did not learn the lesson. They have- n my opinion-to learn not to be drown to do terrorist acts against civilians for the cause of God while these attacks hurt their cause for freedom or their faith. They should think hard about the consequences of their actions which increased opposition to their cause and the spoiling of international relations among neighbors.
  • As a result of the Mombai attacks, relation normalization between the two neighbors (Pakistan and India) was postponed and may come to a halt. I believe that this was the hidden criteria factor behind Mombai terrorist attack. But could the Jihadists learn the lesson that conflict over Kashmir may not be resolved by terrorist acts? In the world community, where negotiations take place, they will lose the ground for respect among mainstream Muslims as well as civilized nations.
    In the absence of rationality and logical reasoning of the cause-effect variables for each incident promotes such irrational attacks. Instead of bringing respect and power, the attacks, in fact, increase the gap between rationality and irrational horrible attacks on civilians and businesses.
  • In conclusion, Islam as it was in the days of Muhammad (pbuh) will never come back the same as it was before.
    Time, space and types of technology and knowledge the people have are not the same. Islamists have to find other methods to fight corruption and injustices in their governments before announcing war against nations in far distance from them. They have to listen to the intellectuals rather than killing them. and finally, not to always blame CIA and NATO for all the decay of democratic process in their nations even though they might be involved indirectly

    Written by Prof. Hasan Yahya Michigan, USA

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