Monday, November 24, 2008


Some times Politicians are talking about wealth distribution. Shared and spread the nation 's wealth equally among the people. Actually , spreading the wealth is not socialism. For example subsidy contribution by the Government when gas was expensive is form of socialism. Yet we accept it, because it makes the payout equivalent to all people.
SOCIALISM by definition is to make all people equal by redistributing not just money, but power and goods and services to ALL people. And redistributing is putting it politely. It really means that no matter what you, how you work, what you work on or with, that you make the same money, get the same food, have the same power as EVERYONE else in society ... oh, but by the way, your controlled by a dictator.
As an alternative, let explore what Obama had planned for the people of US . A formula called 'Obamanomic'. And don’t get him wrong. He is not a socialist. He is just hoping to help the lower to middle class accumulate less debt. He is hoping to get them health care so they are not likely to file bankruptcy when a minor yet expensive medical ailment arises, and he is hoping to bring better, higher paying jobs to market. He is also trying to lessen dependence on oil, not just of the foreign variety.
He rejected the concept of drill baby drill: a statement that amounts to more dependence on oil and commits a portion of the work force to future unemployment.
On the same token, my definition of wealth, and the spreading of wealth, in my mind is being able to pass assets or cash to another generation. I make no claims as to the magnitude of that wealth, but there should be something of significant value that doesn’t involve an heirloom of a more sentimental nature.
The spreading of wealth then in terms of the currently described in Obamanomic is merited in my mind because when a gap widens between classes (middle class vs "rich") then the wealth tends to leave one class in favor of the other. The consequences in long run could be catastrophes. Just for a while think of ' The Pirates of Somalia '.
We can only hope to achieve a socialistic society that remains democratic and caring. This does not mean we eliminate the rich people, but it does mean that we always have poor people (not the political meaning).
Unfortunately, what we have here, is wealth without wings.

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