Sunday, November 2, 2008


INTRODUCTION (English version)

For my Guest Today, I had invited VIOLET, an International Blogger from a war-torn province of Mosul in Iraq. Like Izatie from new Zealand, let share what she has to say about her life in Mosul, Iraq.

“Oh Mosul ! that beloved city of Iraq . I can't live without this city guys!. I just can't. How can I even breathe an air except its air. How can I spend my morning without smelling the beautiful fragrance of flowers in my garden and without breathing the cool breeze in every spring morning in this city of two springs . yes, my friends. There are two springs (seasons) during the year in this beautiful city one after winter and the other nearly the autumn season .. ain't that obviously so nice!!??
As a student who has finished her high school from nearly three months or more, I was thinking what college I'm going to join?- I had made up my mind since childhood but that thinking was just for averment - . Here in Mosul there is one governmental university that called : University of Mosul, and other non-governmental universities.
Here as opposite of nearly the whole world, the governmental schools are better than non- governmental school. It has text books that used in the US, in England and even in Canada.
In fact, that was not the only thing. There are too many colleges are ignored here and are not taking the proper care like: the Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, and even Medicine and Pharmacy; When the Engineering is the most requested career in other countries like Malaysia which is one of the countries that Iraqis go to for getting jobs or escaping from the actual situation.
Doctors were threatened here , the best doctors of the world ever have left Iraq to find peace and to work for other countries while Iraq is the most deserved country that they must serve.
I heard of too many doctors and Iraqi scientists who had to leave Iraq for NO REASON at all and have to suffer the pain of being away from their homes. They are treasure… people!!! In other countries that they left to ,United Arab Emirates(UAE) for example, they are at the head of their career and no one can deny their competence.
Why do they have to leave Iraq ??!!!
Actually I was thinking of my future and I was feeling so depressed. Please tell me something that will give my hope back… I usually get to be in this situation .. the psychologists – in fact – I refer it to the routine… oh till when should I afford this tragedy?? please forgive me my friends .. people get to be depressed sometimes.. and this time I just can't hide it anymore!!
I wait for the next opportunity that makes me here again.. till that time all I can say: please pray for me and wish me a good luck. Tommorow, could mean nothing"

The old city of Mosul is on the west bank of the Tigris River. It is a maze of narrow alleyways filled with mud-brick homes and drab mosques. The majority of the city's Arab residents live on the west bank, and U.S. forces rarely enter the area because their armored vehicles cannot fit. Kurdish officials say that has made the western quarter a haven for Baathists and Islamic militants, who launched last month's rebellion from the old city.
Once a key trading post on the fabled Silk Road, Mosul linked Persia to the Syrian capital of Damascus and to ports along the Mediterranean. Like many great cities, Mosul straddles a river. It is a cosmopolitan city made up of Sunni Arabs, Kurds, Turkomen, Assyrian Christians and Yazidis.

Sunday, 02 November 2008
BAGHDAD - Hundreds of terrified Christian families have fled Mosul to escape extremist attacks that have increased despite months of U.S. and Iraqi military operations to secure the city

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