Thursday, August 28, 2008
Some of us may have came across the following articles . So please bear with us. However for those who have'nt seen this interesting articles yet, let share what our blogger extraordinaire MindaCergas has to say;

"The buck must stop somewhere and in any organization it has to stop at the top. So my question has to be directed to the Leader of UMNO and BN - what next?
After pulling all the stops, including reducing the fuel price, Saiful swearing, Najib swearing, sending in Amin Shah’s brother -UMNO’s best man to compete; with all the stops pulled, UMNO got trashed again and on an even bigger margin than before.
As the leader, what are you going to do? What is going through your mind?
At GE 11 - March 21 2004, you were given the biggest mandate ever of any Prime Minster and by GE 12 - 8th March 2008 - BN was white washed. What does this say?
After the trashing at GE 12, you had the best chance of truly reforming UMNO yet you didn’t take the opportunity.After this white wash in Permatang Pauh, what are you going to do?
The UMNO transition plan will not stand the internal pressures between now and December. No Sir, its only going to get worse unless you find a new bogey man. Whoever that bogeyman is, it cant be Anwar.
Anwar has truly won the perception battle right in your own backyard.
Anwar can be a US agent, a spy, a true sodomoite, a conspirator whatever… it all doesn’t matter anymore.
Imagine, with the entire government machinery at your disposal, Anwar still won and won BIG. What does this say?
First UMNO said it was the urban Malays who were ungrateful for voting the opposition, now have the rural Malays jumped ship too? Who are you going to blame? Who is Najib going to blame? Who are all the 10 contending UMNO VP’s going to blame?
The reality is the tides have truly shifted. You are leading a party that keeps looking back and celebrating its glorious past while being trapped in dogma that only UMNO believes in.
To be fair, the seeds for destruction was planted by your predecessor who stayed on for 12 years too long but nonetheless you took the job and you have to take the accountabilities that come with it.
The rakyaat’s confidence and comfort is embracing change has tipped. We have discovered that it is ok to have non UMNO in power as shown by the running of the 5 states. In fact it doesn’t matter how many more PKR people ACA picks up for corruption.. it is simply to late. You should have gone after the corrupt at the onset of your term as PM not as your sun sets.
I look forward to seeing what you have to say in the papers tomorrow.
Often times we live our lives in regret, we look back and say “what if…..” Unfortunately we cannot change the past. The irony of all this is that, not for your compassion as a person and a father, Anwar would probably still be in jail right now.
3rd September 2004 - BBC News:The one person that comes out stronger with this decision (to free Anwar) is Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. With one stroke, he brought back confidence to the judiciary. Investors looked at it very positively. With the formal endorsement of his Presidency three weeks away, he is clearly setting himself away and perhaps reversing the much talked grip of his predecessors. In due time, Abdullah is quite capable of bringing the much needed reform for the country. Anwar with his wretched track record is in no position to talk of reform.Dollah Ali, Kuala Lumpur.
The above quote is the best illustration of how 94% of the country was behind you in 2004. If anything, you have failed the nation.

"The buck must stop somewhere and in any organization it has to stop at the top. So my question has to be directed to the Leader of UMNO and BN - what next?
After pulling all the stops, including reducing the fuel price, Saiful swearing, Najib swearing, sending in Amin Shah’s brother -UMNO’s best man to compete; with all the stops pulled, UMNO got trashed again and on an even bigger margin than before.
As the leader, what are you going to do? What is going through your mind?
At GE 11 - March 21 2004, you were given the biggest mandate ever of any Prime Minster and by GE 12 - 8th March 2008 - BN was white washed. What does this say?
After the trashing at GE 12, you had the best chance of truly reforming UMNO yet you didn’t take the opportunity.After this white wash in Permatang Pauh, what are you going to do?
The UMNO transition plan will not stand the internal pressures between now and December. No Sir, its only going to get worse unless you find a new bogey man. Whoever that bogeyman is, it cant be Anwar.
Anwar has truly won the perception battle right in your own backyard.
Anwar can be a US agent, a spy, a true sodomoite, a conspirator whatever… it all doesn’t matter anymore.
Imagine, with the entire government machinery at your disposal, Anwar still won and won BIG. What does this say?
First UMNO said it was the urban Malays who were ungrateful for voting the opposition, now have the rural Malays jumped ship too? Who are you going to blame? Who is Najib going to blame? Who are all the 10 contending UMNO VP’s going to blame?
The reality is the tides have truly shifted. You are leading a party that keeps looking back and celebrating its glorious past while being trapped in dogma that only UMNO believes in.
To be fair, the seeds for destruction was planted by your predecessor who stayed on for 12 years too long but nonetheless you took the job and you have to take the accountabilities that come with it.
The rakyaat’s confidence and comfort is embracing change has tipped. We have discovered that it is ok to have non UMNO in power as shown by the running of the 5 states. In fact it doesn’t matter how many more PKR people ACA picks up for corruption.. it is simply to late. You should have gone after the corrupt at the onset of your term as PM not as your sun sets.
I look forward to seeing what you have to say in the papers tomorrow.
Often times we live our lives in regret, we look back and say “what if…..” Unfortunately we cannot change the past. The irony of all this is that, not for your compassion as a person and a father, Anwar would probably still be in jail right now.
3rd September 2004 - BBC News:The one person that comes out stronger with this decision (to free Anwar) is Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. With one stroke, he brought back confidence to the judiciary. Investors looked at it very positively. With the formal endorsement of his Presidency three weeks away, he is clearly setting himself away and perhaps reversing the much talked grip of his predecessors. In due time, Abdullah is quite capable of bringing the much needed reform for the country. Anwar with his wretched track record is in no position to talk of reform.Dollah Ali, Kuala Lumpur.
The above quote is the best illustration of how 94% of the country was behind you in 2004. If anything, you have failed the nation.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Like the American said ‘The decision had been made. What will be will be’. Permatang Pauh telah memilih Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dari Parti KEADILAN Rakyat( PKR) untuk mewakili mereka dalam Dewan Parlimen. Saperti yang kita tahu PKR telah memenangi pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh dengan majoriti 15,671 undi.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (KeADILan): 31,195 undi Hanafi Mamat (AKIM): 92 undi Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah (BN): 15,524 undi
Jumlah mengundi: 47,258. Peratus keluar mengundi: 81 peratus. Undi rosak: 447 undi Majoriti: 15,671 undi
Penyandang: Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail (KeADILan) Undi diperolehi 8 Mac 2008: 30,348Majoriti: 13,398 undi.
Untuk itu, tahniah dan sekalung bunga untuk Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai hadiah untuk menyambut hari Kemerdekaan.
‘Political oriented bloggers’ dan Penganalisa politik Professional seluruh Malaysia pasti sudah pun muncul dan mengeluarkan pendapat masing-masing sama ada di internet, di corong TV atau di surat –surat khabar.
Saperti biasa, kebanyakan pandangan samesti nya berkitar pada punca kekalahan BN dan faktor kemenangan PKR di Permatang Pauh.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (KeADILan): 31,195 undi Hanafi Mamat (AKIM): 92 undi Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah (BN): 15,524 undi
Jumlah mengundi: 47,258. Peratus keluar mengundi: 81 peratus. Undi rosak: 447 undi Majoriti: 15,671 undi
Penyandang: Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail (KeADILan) Undi diperolehi 8 Mac 2008: 30,348Majoriti: 13,398 undi.
Untuk itu, tahniah dan sekalung bunga untuk Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai hadiah untuk menyambut hari Kemerdekaan.
‘Political oriented bloggers’ dan Penganalisa politik Professional seluruh Malaysia pasti sudah pun muncul dan mengeluarkan pendapat masing-masing sama ada di internet, di corong TV atau di surat –surat khabar.
Saperti biasa, kebanyakan pandangan samesti nya berkitar pada punca kekalahan BN dan faktor kemenangan PKR di Permatang Pauh.

Kalau di fikirkan, tidak banyak yang sepatut nya saya tuliskan disini. Terutama sekali perkara-perkara yang saya tidak tahu. Tetapi apa yang saya nak kongsikan di sini ada lah implikasi kemenangan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Permatang Pauh dari kaca mata orang-orang Sabah. Rumusan saya ada lah berdasarkan pendapat kolektif yang telah saya dengar di sana sini, di Kota Kinabalu.
Secara tidak sengaja saya telah bertemu dengan Penganalisa politik dari parti SAPP dan golongan Elite bebas. Sekali gus mendengar spekulasi yang banyak berkaitan dengan pergolakan politik yang akan menimpa Negeri Sabah akibat kemenangan Datuk Seri Anwar di Permatang Pauh.
Menurut mereka, kemenangan Datuk Anwar di Permatang Pauh, diterima sebagai satu petanda bahawa kerajaan BN akan turut lumpuh di Sabah. Yang jelas menurut mereka, parti SAPP akan meneruskan cita-cita untuk meninggalkan BN. Mereka percaya selain dari SAPP ada lagi parti dan beberapa orang Ahli Yang Berhormat dari komponen BN yang akan mengikuti jejak SAPP.
Bila di tanya tentang kedudukan 13 orang YB yang di katakan akan meninggalkan BN. Jawapan mereka agak mengejutkan juga kerana menurut mereka kebanyakan YB yang di jangka akan meninggalkan BN, bukan dari SAPP tetapi sebenar nya kebanyakan terdiri dari ahli parti UMNO Sabah.
Saperti penulis, golongan Elite bebas juga berpendapat bahawa kelemahan BN di Sabah berpunca dari sifat kebanyakan Pemimpin parti komponen yang jauh menyelewing dari prinsip perjuangan BN. Mereka telah lupa bahawa prioriti utama mereka ada lah untuk menyampaikan hasrat rakyat kepada kerajaan. Tetapi apa yang telah berlaku masa kini, Pemimpin-Pemimpin ini sibuk dengan agenda sendiri . Berjuang untuk jawatan dan memperkayakan diri masing-masing.
Dalam kontek kesinambungan, tidak terdapat ciri-ciri atau tanda-tanda bahawa Pemimpin UMNO Sabah akan memberi peluang kepada anak-anak muda atau muka-muka baru sebagai pelapis. Sebagai contoh dalam pemilihan Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Bahagian UMNO di sini, tidak banyak muka-muka baru. Apa yang ada, cuma Pemimpin-Pemimpin lama yang dikatakan telah ketandusan daya fikir untuk membantu menyelesaikan masaalah rakyat. Terutama sekali rakyat miskin dan belia-belia menggangur yang banyak terdapat di sini..
Janji dan tujuan murni untuk mendatangkan UMNO ke Sabah , sudah kabur di hati Pemimpin-Pemimpin di sini. Hampir-hampir semua pemimpin yang sedia ada sudah nampak lesu atau sudah tidak berkebolehan untuk merancang program-program yang penting untuk keselesahan rakyat di masa kini dan masa akan datang.
Dalam kontek penyediaan ‘ Blue Print’ Pemimpin-Pemimpin tersebut gagal atau tidak mampu menyediakan sendiri. Mereka melepaskan kerja-kerja saperti ini kepada pegawai-pegawai kanan kerajaan dan ahli profesional semata-mata.
Kerana tiada sentuhan peribadi Pemimpin itu sendiri; sapertimana yang di amanatkan oleh rakyat, kebanyakan perancangan kerajaan Sabah akhir nya gagal menepati sasaran.
Kalau di fikirkan, tidak banyak yang sepatut nya saya tuliskan disini. Terutama sekali perkara-perkara yang saya tidak tahu. Tetapi apa yang saya nak kongsikan di sini ada lah implikasi kemenangan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Permatang Pauh dari kaca mata orang-orang Sabah. Rumusan saya ada lah berdasarkan pendapat kolektif yang telah saya dengar di sana sini, di Kota Kinabalu.
Secara tidak sengaja saya telah bertemu dengan Penganalisa politik dari parti SAPP dan golongan Elite bebas. Sekali gus mendengar spekulasi yang banyak berkaitan dengan pergolakan politik yang akan menimpa Negeri Sabah akibat kemenangan Datuk Seri Anwar di Permatang Pauh.
Menurut mereka, kemenangan Datuk Anwar di Permatang Pauh, diterima sebagai satu petanda bahawa kerajaan BN akan turut lumpuh di Sabah. Yang jelas menurut mereka, parti SAPP akan meneruskan cita-cita untuk meninggalkan BN. Mereka percaya selain dari SAPP ada lagi parti dan beberapa orang Ahli Yang Berhormat dari komponen BN yang akan mengikuti jejak SAPP.
Bila di tanya tentang kedudukan 13 orang YB yang di katakan akan meninggalkan BN. Jawapan mereka agak mengejutkan juga kerana menurut mereka kebanyakan YB yang di jangka akan meninggalkan BN, bukan dari SAPP tetapi sebenar nya kebanyakan terdiri dari ahli parti UMNO Sabah.
Saperti penulis, golongan Elite bebas juga berpendapat bahawa kelemahan BN di Sabah berpunca dari sifat kebanyakan Pemimpin parti komponen yang jauh menyelewing dari prinsip perjuangan BN. Mereka telah lupa bahawa prioriti utama mereka ada lah untuk menyampaikan hasrat rakyat kepada kerajaan. Tetapi apa yang telah berlaku masa kini, Pemimpin-Pemimpin ini sibuk dengan agenda sendiri . Berjuang untuk jawatan dan memperkayakan diri masing-masing.
Dalam kontek kesinambungan, tidak terdapat ciri-ciri atau tanda-tanda bahawa Pemimpin UMNO Sabah akan memberi peluang kepada anak-anak muda atau muka-muka baru sebagai pelapis. Sebagai contoh dalam pemilihan Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Bahagian UMNO di sini, tidak banyak muka-muka baru. Apa yang ada, cuma Pemimpin-Pemimpin lama yang dikatakan telah ketandusan daya fikir untuk membantu menyelesaikan masaalah rakyat. Terutama sekali rakyat miskin dan belia-belia menggangur yang banyak terdapat di sini..
Janji dan tujuan murni untuk mendatangkan UMNO ke Sabah , sudah kabur di hati Pemimpin-Pemimpin di sini. Hampir-hampir semua pemimpin yang sedia ada sudah nampak lesu atau sudah tidak berkebolehan untuk merancang program-program yang penting untuk keselesahan rakyat di masa kini dan masa akan datang.
Dalam kontek penyediaan ‘ Blue Print’ Pemimpin-Pemimpin tersebut gagal atau tidak mampu menyediakan sendiri. Mereka melepaskan kerja-kerja saperti ini kepada pegawai-pegawai kanan kerajaan dan ahli profesional semata-mata.
Kerana tiada sentuhan peribadi Pemimpin itu sendiri; sapertimana yang di amanatkan oleh rakyat, kebanyakan perancangan kerajaan Sabah akhir nya gagal menepati sasaran.

Datuk Raymond Tan
Ironi nya, Pemimpin-Pemimpin ini terutama sekali mereka yang di lantik sebagai Menteri, sepatut nya menjadi contoh. Melaksanakan dasar kerajaan dengan telus dan baik . Malang nya mereka lebih sibuk menjalankan agenda yang hanya menguntungkan diri mereka sendiri. Tetapi disebaliknya menyusahkan orang lain.
Mereka terlalu mencampuri kerja-kerja asas yang sepatut nya di pertanggung jawab kan kepada Ketua Jabatan. Sebagai contoh, Menteri Kerja Raya Sabah, Datuk Raymond Tan di katakan lebih banyak menguat kuasa kan peraturan yang tidak perlu. Saperti melambatkan kelulusan Sebut Harga atau Tawaran yangmana selama ini belum pernah di lakukan oleh Menteri-Menteri sebelum beliau.
Kerana terlalu banyak ‘campur tangan yang tidak perlu’, kerja-kerja yang sepatut nya bertaraf ‘Emergency’ akhir nya bertukar status. Mengujudkan masaalah kepada pehak Jabatan, agency dan masyarakat.
So kalau niat untuk merapatkan jurang harapan dan cita-cita di antara rakyat dan Pemimpin di Sabah ini, sudah tandus maka tiada jaminan bahawa kerajaan BN akan berkekalan di Negeri di Bawah Bayu ini.
However, Watchout Money Politics, you time is running out.
Que Sera Sera

Datuk Raymond Tan
Ironi nya, Pemimpin-Pemimpin ini terutama sekali mereka yang di lantik sebagai Menteri, sepatut nya menjadi contoh. Melaksanakan dasar kerajaan dengan telus dan baik . Malang nya mereka lebih sibuk menjalankan agenda yang hanya menguntungkan diri mereka sendiri. Tetapi disebaliknya menyusahkan orang lain.
Mereka terlalu mencampuri kerja-kerja asas yang sepatut nya di pertanggung jawab kan kepada Ketua Jabatan. Sebagai contoh, Menteri Kerja Raya Sabah, Datuk Raymond Tan di katakan lebih banyak menguat kuasa kan peraturan yang tidak perlu. Saperti melambatkan kelulusan Sebut Harga atau Tawaran yangmana selama ini belum pernah di lakukan oleh Menteri-Menteri sebelum beliau.
Kerana terlalu banyak ‘campur tangan yang tidak perlu’, kerja-kerja yang sepatut nya bertaraf ‘Emergency’ akhir nya bertukar status. Mengujudkan masaalah kepada pehak Jabatan, agency dan masyarakat.
So kalau niat untuk merapatkan jurang harapan dan cita-cita di antara rakyat dan Pemimpin di Sabah ini, sudah tandus maka tiada jaminan bahawa kerajaan BN akan berkekalan di Negeri di Bawah Bayu ini.
However, Watchout Money Politics, you time is running out.
Que Sera Sera
Yang Betul itu ada lah Benar
Tuesday, August 26, 2008Kepada mereka yang belum sempat membaca di surat khabar, di sini kita kongsikan bersama amanat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang di tujukan khas nya kepada warga Permatang Pauh dan Rakyat Malaysia am nya ;

"Tarikh 31 Ogos merupakan satu tarikh keramat bagi seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Ia menandakan kita merdeka dari penjajahan yang sudah sekian lama menzalimi serta menindas. Beberapa hari lagi maka genap 51 tahun kita merdeka, 51 tahun sudah negara tercinta ini bebas dari penjajahan yang menindas. Namun kita melihat selepas 51 tahun keadaan menjadi lebih buruk. Pengangguran bertambah berkali-kali ganda, inflasi berada di paras tertinggi dalam sejarah yang mengakibatkan kenaikan harga barang secara mendadak, manakala kerajaan tidak mampu untuk menurunkan harga minyak ke paras yang munasabah bagi mengurangkan beban rakyat.
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang diketuai UMNO sudah tempang dan gagal memenuhi hasrat rakyat yang inginkan perubahan demi kehidupan yang lebih baik, makmur, harmoni dan adil. Akan tetapi kita kesal demi menggelincirkan proses perubahan, Barisan Nasional sanggup untuk menggunakan politik fitnah dan adu domba.
Saya menyeru penduduk Permatang Pauh agar bersama-sama menolak segala penipuan dan kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh Umno dan Barisan Nasional. Mari kita kuatkan iltizam serta perkukuh tekad perjuangan di dalam kita melawan fitnah serta perancangan jahat Barisan Nasional yang diketuai UMNO.
Marilah kita merdeka dari politik fitnah dan adu domba ini. Teladan yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan anbiya lainnya seharusnya dijadikan iktibar. Saya menyeru kepada mereka yang terbabit supaya jangan menghina Syariah demi kepentingan politik. Kemukakan bukti dan saksi di Mahkamah Syariah bukannya bersumpah demi memenuhi nafsu politik semata! 26 Ogos 2008, undilah saya demi untuk keluar dari kesengsaraan hidup, rasuah dan kerencatan ekonomi. Bersempena bulan Merdeka ini marilah kita bersama-sama di Permatang Pauh ini mendakap semangat merdeka yang sebenarnya. Kita sampaikan kepada rakyat sudah tiba masanya untuk merdeka dari kesengsaraan hidup, merdeka dari rasuah dan merdeka dari keadaan ekonomi yang lembap. Marilah kita Memerdekakan Rakyat! Demi Memerdekakan Negara! "
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang diketuai UMNO sudah tempang dan gagal memenuhi hasrat rakyat yang inginkan perubahan demi kehidupan yang lebih baik, makmur, harmoni dan adil. Akan tetapi kita kesal demi menggelincirkan proses perubahan, Barisan Nasional sanggup untuk menggunakan politik fitnah dan adu domba.
Saya menyeru penduduk Permatang Pauh agar bersama-sama menolak segala penipuan dan kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh Umno dan Barisan Nasional. Mari kita kuatkan iltizam serta perkukuh tekad perjuangan di dalam kita melawan fitnah serta perancangan jahat Barisan Nasional yang diketuai UMNO.
Marilah kita merdeka dari politik fitnah dan adu domba ini. Teladan yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan anbiya lainnya seharusnya dijadikan iktibar. Saya menyeru kepada mereka yang terbabit supaya jangan menghina Syariah demi kepentingan politik. Kemukakan bukti dan saksi di Mahkamah Syariah bukannya bersumpah demi memenuhi nafsu politik semata! 26 Ogos 2008, undilah saya demi untuk keluar dari kesengsaraan hidup, rasuah dan kerencatan ekonomi. Bersempena bulan Merdeka ini marilah kita bersama-sama di Permatang Pauh ini mendakap semangat merdeka yang sebenarnya. Kita sampaikan kepada rakyat sudah tiba masanya untuk merdeka dari kesengsaraan hidup, merdeka dari rasuah dan merdeka dari keadaan ekonomi yang lembap. Marilah kita Memerdekakan Rakyat! Demi Memerdekakan Negara! "
Friday, August 15, 2008For those who have not heard from Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bomburing a Tuaran Member of Parliament, let share what he had to say. This article is taken from our local Sabah news paper.
In support of recent statement by Borneo High Court Chief Judge Tan Sri Richard Malanjun, Datuk Seri Wilfred proposed that the Native Law Council comprising non-Muslim Bumiputera should be formed in all districts.
The objective of his proposal is to complement the function of the Native Law Court, especially in district where District Chief or Native Chiefs appointed are from a different ethnic group.
Assuming this proposal is appropriate to all Sabahan, my question is ;
1) How difficult is it to form this council
2) How much it cost to make this proposal into a reality
3) Is this proposal is Cost Effective
4) Who and Who are responsible in preparing for all the necessary working papers.KDCA? USBO? District Chiefs and Native Chiefs? YBs? Or Sabah State Cabinet.
So much so, Our country had been independent through Malaysia for the past 40 years and yet, nobody bother or even thinking about the benefit of having this “ Native Law Council “ why?.
In support of recent statement by Borneo High Court Chief Judge Tan Sri Richard Malanjun, Datuk Seri Wilfred proposed that the Native Law Council comprising non-Muslim Bumiputera should be formed in all districts.
The objective of his proposal is to complement the function of the Native Law Court, especially in district where District Chief or Native Chiefs appointed are from a different ethnic group.
- He said most of the cases handled by the Native Courts are from the non-Muslim bumiputeras, a Native Law Council comprising of non-Muslim Bumiputera would be appropriate to advise the District Chief or the Native Chief, especially when they are from a different ethnic group.
- According to him most if not all cases being brought to the Native Courts are from Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) so it is appropriate that a Native Law Council comprising knowledge KDM elders be form who will act as an advisory council to the District Chiefs and the District Officers when cases handled by Native Courts are being appealed to the District Office.
- He also urged the Native Court to archive all their proceedings for references. According to him, these records will serve as a reference materials as cases involving KDM vary from place to place. Common native law for those in the Northern part of Sabah would definitely difference from Central, South and the Eastern.
- Notation:
- Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bomburing recently won the disputed Malaysian Parliamentary seat in Tuaran Sabah. He ousted both Hj Ansari Abdullah (PKR) and Engineer Ajin Gagah ( Independent and the author of this blog)
Assuming this proposal is appropriate to all Sabahan, my question is ;
1) How difficult is it to form this council
2) How much it cost to make this proposal into a reality
3) Is this proposal is Cost Effective
4) Who and Who are responsible in preparing for all the necessary working papers.KDCA? USBO? District Chiefs and Native Chiefs? YBs? Or Sabah State Cabinet.
So much so, Our country had been independent through Malaysia for the past 40 years and yet, nobody bother or even thinking about the benefit of having this “ Native Law Council “ why?.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
- We were promised since years back that once the BN taking over the management of Sabah, the state will be transformed into a new era so called ‘Beautiful Sabah or Sabah Baru’; a process of overhauling the development of the state.
- Major program like ‘ Sabah Super Corridor’ had been mentioned over and over again. Instead, we are confronted with an increase in cost of fuel and commodities.
- I guess, all the ‘Happy Hours’ days we used to have must be gone forever.
- According to my friend economist; subsidies matter mainly for two basic reasons. First, they divert resources to favored activities, industries, or people based on political objectives. These objectives may have to do with political power, needs to "buy-off" particular groups, or unrealistic assessments of available technologies, rather than from any desire to achieve social goals such as welfare or education.
- Second, subsidies mask the relative price of different goods and services. In energy, for example, heavily subsidized electrical transmission can mean that the much higher price of electricity in rural areas is obscured. As a result, important entry points for alternative energy sources—such as where off-grid renewable cost less than the combined cost of conventional power generation plus distribution—are lost.
- Actually in Malaysia, there are number of subsidy policies that have been implemented incrementally over decades. In combination, these policies make it extremely difficult to see the true underlying market dynamics associated with alternative products or services.
- All too often, the existing subsidies also work counter to the goals of other parts of the government, such as protecting the environment.
- The way it looked, the existing subsidies in Sabah seem to quick fixing the unnecessary. So far it does not really help to help solving the existing problem faced by our youths or young graduates.
- By right ;Like in Klang Valley ,Sabah should be given enough opportunity to own bigger factories and industries. In order to cater the job deficiency seek by our young one.
Friday, August 08, 2008
(For those who haven't get this message from News Paper)
Let Share What Anwar Ibrahim Had To Say;
I promise that under a Pakatan Rakyat government Malaysians will never again be subjected to such gross abuse of executive power as we are again witnessing today. Arbitrary arrest and detention, frivolous investigation and malicious prosecutions shall be a thing of the past. Police officers and prosecutors who launch conspiracies to defame and humiliate the innocent will be severely punished. The use of police powers as well the office of the Attorney General to persecute political opponents will be criminalized so as to ensure a healthy and vibrant democracy where dissent is not only tolerated but nurtured.
In this regard every Malaysian’s fundamental liberties will be treated as sacrosanct and safeguarded by a truly independent judiciary guided by principles of utmost integrity and an adherence to the spirit of the federal constitution.
The politically motivated trial launched against me will, Insha’Allah, be the last of its kind. No Malaysian will suffer from this cruel injustice ever again.
Yesterday’s events confirm my innocence from the charges that recently surfaced. The medical report and statutory declaration by Dr. Osman Abdul Hamid of the Pusrawi Hospital that surfaced on Thursday shatter lingering doubts as to whether the alleged act ever took place. Dr. Osman’s statement also confirms what we have already stated regarding deplorable actions by the police to fabricate evidence in a manner identical to the manipulation of my case in 1998. Anything short of a thorough investigation into the mishandling of this investigation would further tarnish the credibility of the police.
The doctor’s personal safety is a matter of deep concern to us. Material witnesses in high-profile cases in Malaysia have gone missing in the past such as the PI Balasubramanian. I applaud those brave individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to freedom and justice by coming forward with important evidence, and call upon the authorities to ensure their protection.
Yesterday in court we learned that the prosecution’s case has, in a manner similar to the botched trials of 1998, shape-shifted from a charge of assault to one of a consensual act. The conspiracy launched against me in the final week of June 2008 is falling apart. There is a hasty attempt by some to patch up glaring holes in the complainant’s testimony. This will certainly fail given the preponderance of evidence confirming my innocence.
The Prime Minister has actively involved himself in this matter in an attempt to derail the process of transformational change in Malaysia and stave off his own political demise. But in soiling his hands with this sordid matter he has deepened the crisis within his own administration. His most ardent supporters among the Malays have also expressed their disgust with the matter. Furthermore Prime Minister Badawi now faces investigation by the Anti Corruption Agency for his involvement in corruption and money politics.
The shadow of corruption and mismanagement of the economy darkens the legacy of his Premiership. Prime Minister Badawi has still offered no convincing explanation over the huge profits reaped by his family in the Oil For Food scandal at the expense of dying Iraqis.
I advise those around him to leave the sinking ship of his leadership while there is still a chance to do so.
Pakatan Rakyat’s reform agenda is firmly back on track and the New Dawn for Malaysia is well within reach. We will mount a unified campaign to win in Permatang Pauh with a solid majority encompassing that constituency’s diverse population. I look forward to entering Parliament on August 27th with the support of my friends in the coalition.
(For those who haven't get this message from News Paper)
Let Share What Anwar Ibrahim Had To Say;
I promise that under a Pakatan Rakyat government Malaysians will never again be subjected to such gross abuse of executive power as we are again witnessing today. Arbitrary arrest and detention, frivolous investigation and malicious prosecutions shall be a thing of the past. Police officers and prosecutors who launch conspiracies to defame and humiliate the innocent will be severely punished. The use of police powers as well the office of the Attorney General to persecute political opponents will be criminalized so as to ensure a healthy and vibrant democracy where dissent is not only tolerated but nurtured.
In this regard every Malaysian’s fundamental liberties will be treated as sacrosanct and safeguarded by a truly independent judiciary guided by principles of utmost integrity and an adherence to the spirit of the federal constitution.
The politically motivated trial launched against me will, Insha’Allah, be the last of its kind. No Malaysian will suffer from this cruel injustice ever again.
Yesterday’s events confirm my innocence from the charges that recently surfaced. The medical report and statutory declaration by Dr. Osman Abdul Hamid of the Pusrawi Hospital that surfaced on Thursday shatter lingering doubts as to whether the alleged act ever took place. Dr. Osman’s statement also confirms what we have already stated regarding deplorable actions by the police to fabricate evidence in a manner identical to the manipulation of my case in 1998. Anything short of a thorough investigation into the mishandling of this investigation would further tarnish the credibility of the police.
The doctor’s personal safety is a matter of deep concern to us. Material witnesses in high-profile cases in Malaysia have gone missing in the past such as the PI Balasubramanian. I applaud those brave individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to freedom and justice by coming forward with important evidence, and call upon the authorities to ensure their protection.
Yesterday in court we learned that the prosecution’s case has, in a manner similar to the botched trials of 1998, shape-shifted from a charge of assault to one of a consensual act. The conspiracy launched against me in the final week of June 2008 is falling apart. There is a hasty attempt by some to patch up glaring holes in the complainant’s testimony. This will certainly fail given the preponderance of evidence confirming my innocence.
The Prime Minister has actively involved himself in this matter in an attempt to derail the process of transformational change in Malaysia and stave off his own political demise. But in soiling his hands with this sordid matter he has deepened the crisis within his own administration. His most ardent supporters among the Malays have also expressed their disgust with the matter. Furthermore Prime Minister Badawi now faces investigation by the Anti Corruption Agency for his involvement in corruption and money politics.
The shadow of corruption and mismanagement of the economy darkens the legacy of his Premiership. Prime Minister Badawi has still offered no convincing explanation over the huge profits reaped by his family in the Oil For Food scandal at the expense of dying Iraqis.
I advise those around him to leave the sinking ship of his leadership while there is still a chance to do so.
Pakatan Rakyat’s reform agenda is firmly back on track and the New Dawn for Malaysia is well within reach. We will mount a unified campaign to win in Permatang Pauh with a solid majority encompassing that constituency’s diverse population. I look forward to entering Parliament on August 27th with the support of my friends in the coalition.
Monday, August 04, 2008For those who hadnot access his blog website, Let share what my friend a blogger and the author of SabahKita feels about the on going election in Permatang Pauh. For further details my friend can be accessed through his blog.